
In: Psychology

Morals Review the ideas of Kohlberg and Gilligan in the "Moral Development" . Then, answer the...


Review the ideas of Kohlberg and Gilligan in the "Moral Development" . Then, answer the following questions: Are there gender differences when it comes to morals? Use evidence from the ideas of Kohlberg and Gilligan in the "Moral Development" as well as your own experiences. What experiences or lessons shape your morals?


Expert Solution

  • Gilligan was a student of Kohlberg, who introduced the theory of stages of moral development. Gilligan, however, felt as though her mentor's theory did not adequately address the gender differences of moral development due to the fact that participants in Kohlberg's study were predominately male and because his theory did not include the caring perspective.
  • Gilligan argued that males and females are often socialized differently, and females are more apt than males to stress interpersonal relationships and take responsibility for the well-being of others.
  • Gilligan suggested this difference is due to the child's relationship with the mother and that females are traditionally taught a moral perspective that focuses on community and caring about personal relationships.
  • This assumption holds true for us as well since in reality also women are considered more sensitive and caring towards others in their relationships and men more instrumental and practical. Even the moral values are sometimes overshadowed by this quality. Women are more fair and just in their decisions than men. Women are guided by more taking out a midway solution without damaging anyone and men are concerned with inquality and taking decision one way or the other.
  • In my own experience as well I am guided by the fact that injustice is something which I will not tolerate but also in the process of taking a stand against it I would not want to hurt anyone in the process. Little bit of sensitivity does come in the way but that doesnt stop me from making the right moral decision.

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