In: Psychology
Which one of AssureSign's core values is important to you? and Why?
Out of the four core values of AssureSign, for me, the most important is "People of character".
This is because of the following reasons-
1- Being a human being, we must cultivate our finest character. This is indeed a prerequisite to be human.
2- A good character is what people search for and trust in.
3- For a business entity, organisation or a marketer the value- "People of character" means a lot because customers and stakeholders expect not only monetory profits but pleasure and satisfaction of being together and reaping the essence of the service.
4- There are examples of organisations that were at zenith but declined and are nowhere today because of the fact that their employees or policy makers were not trustworthy and lacked lacked fine character.
5- This core value assures people that there will be no wrong with them and they will be provided the best possible offering which will elevate their experiences.