In: Operations Management
Develop a TPM programe plane functions responsiblities training and equipment need?
Total productive maintenance is TPM which is an effective holistic approach for equipment maintenance and it is useful for achieving perfect production. It does not have any breakdowns and it is useful as an effective process without any small stops or slow running. It does not having any defects and it provides value for safe working environment. It places importance on preventive maintenance and helps for maximizing the operational efficiency of the equipment. It is useful for eradicating the distinction between the production roles and maintenance. It shows importance for operators in maintaining the equipment.
The function is linked with shared responsibility and encouragement of involvement by the plant floor workers.
It focuses on creating work environment which we'll organized and neat with five elements of function focusing on sorting through elimination of everything which is not needed, setting it in order, inspection of the work, standardizing and sustaining
equipment need will be related to effectiveness metric, training and education. There will be focus on practical review and the involvement of the employees before the installation.