Marketing is one of the important tools which are used by the
industries to sell their goods and services. There are so many
techniques and strategies are uses to pursue marketing methods.
Based in today’s market and increase of same kinds of products by
different companies created a huge market competition. Huge
marketing is required to increase their sales in the market.
According to me the industry are failing to produce the goods and
services and satisfy and fulfills the customer needs not all the
products. There are few products which are manufactured by the
organization with no use to the customer. Let’s discuss the
"marketing shapes consumer needs and wants" versus "marketing
merely reflects and wants of consumers".
- Marketing shapes are defined as different marketing methods and
techniques used to promote the products and services in the
- Attract customers by their products and services. The first
rule of marketing is to attract the desired customers to purchase
products by giving the best service.
- By using this kind of methods that shapes the customer needs
and wants by changing the customer mind. The digital marketing
method used to change the customer mind set by showing their
products through different channels to attract and motivate the
customer to use their products.
- Most of the products from well known companies do fare business
by manufacturing the best products which meets the customer needs
and wants. They do a fare marketing methods by educating the
customers about the product importance and how it’s useful to the
customer. It’s really helps customers to get that kind of
- Few organizations will genuinely understand the customer needs
and wants. Their products really have some information of its
- A marketing need is need of a buyer, a need it does not create
but it shapes. Any marketing should meet the customer needs to buy
that products but here the customer adding more by shaping the
products with various things.
- While designing or inventing every product or service first
analysis of product importance is required, about what customer
needs and wants later product needs to be invented. Because
customer needs are not same at every level the long run of the
product need is identified to increase the product sale in the
- Mostly ads free marketing is an important tactic by providing
free services like home trail, free installation, free consultation
and free inspection in order to attract the customer to use its
products. Even though he/she is not interested to use.
- In today’s market, the organizations or industries fails to
produce a product that only fulfils customer needs and wants.
- Marketing merely is depends on which country we belongs to and
what are consumer needs and wants. As every customer will not only
depends on few products that are available in the market. Want to
get the beyond needs of the customers.
- Marketers are always creating and developing different products
to attract the customers to buy their products by applying
different marketing strategies. Most of the customers try to retain
their customers by providing great value and satisfaction to buy
their products and this is formulated in customer mind as a
combination of the product quality, service and price.
- Mostly customer looking for products that completely fulfill
all the customer needs and wants. If the product do so they are
ready to pay the high price to such products and service is also
important because if good product delivers bad service impact the
product sales in the market.
- If the product satisfies a customer in all the ways than the
customer become loyal to that industry or product blindly he/she
will go for the products.
- If the company provide consistency service and good products.
Of course customer will always stick to that companies that
delivers best product and service. Consistency and dedicated
service company attracts huge customers in current generation.
- And finally customer will be looking for unique products that
are available in the market and expects the same kind of unique
service from the company will create a huge market demand.
- Company should able to organize few things in such a way to
provide merely customer needs and wants by getting the knowledge of
the population and how wealth is the population based on that
company can produce the products and can set a demanding price for
that product.
EXAMPLES: 1. Mobile phone is a basic need in
everyone’s life, because its a basic device which is used or
developed a communication system. It’s a customer want and need of
the cell phone .If only it’s a need than cell phone could not be
this much popular. If customer use the cell phone only for need
there is no much marketing is requires as its everyone need
customer will go for it.
But the way cell phone is developed become the shape of the
marketing and required more marketing techniques to increase its
sales. Every day we are getting different models of cell phones
with different features we can say almost all the features which is
not at all considered to be a need to the customer. There are few
features like camera ,music system, movie player, internet and
games etc are become the basic features of cell phones which are
not considered the needs of t]he people.
2. If there is a diabetic kit or BP machine is
become a need for today’s health conditions. It’s very tough for
the senior citizens to go to the lab technicians or physicians to
test their sugar and BP levels. The invention of electronic device
to check sugar and BP levels is considered to be a need for a
person who really struggling to monitor. That is really a need and
huge demand for that kind of products, if the product only provides
that details only to monitor and maintain static levels of
According to me there are both sides of pros and cons in the
market for customer needs and wants by marketing shapes if few will
meet consumer needs and wants. If some will over include through
which there is no use and need to the customer.