
In: Nursing

Choose an article of your choice on the subject of Death, Dying and Loss. Go to...

Choose an article of your choice on the subject of Death, Dying and Loss. Go to the LRC then scroll all the way down until you see research database use this to search academic articles, choose an article and follow the following, you must use APA format for this assignment, so you need a cover sheet, needs an introduction, body and a conclusion. Please watch the video that is attached to this assignment, it should answer any questions you have.

  1. Write a 2-paragraph summary of the article (your takeaway).
  2. As the nurse, how would you like to define your practice and care of death and the dying patient and their family.


Expert Solution


As the death of the any one's life in a few certainties and the universal experience for tha all individual thats why all the person with the loved ones will eventually become bereaved .Thats aging and the time are uncompromising as they always be lead to the death . which is the natural part of the life and that would be happens every day .As when the death occurs , there is usually an impact on the family and the friends of the deceased , and the magnitude of which the oftenly depends on whether the death was as expected or be unexpected .The loved ones which are left behind are to be go through the grieving process..

As the each person has the unique grief and does not follow any kind of pattern or trajectory .And the each person having unique grieving process that develop for many .As for the example ;- grief reaction are expressed in the form of crying ,anger and fear and these are so common as to be deemed universal .There is a paucity of the research as on the experience of the grieving amongst the older African population .The importance of the cultural consideration are so stressed as when evaluating the individual with the complicated grief .


The death is one of the life's is a few certainties and a universal experience for the all individual .As when the death occurs there is sort of an impact on the family and there members plus friends of deceased we see , the magnitude of which oftenly depended on either death expected or unexpected .So the grieving experiences of the elderly are rarely be discussed .So the purpose of this study to be conducted was to be discribed the experiences of the grief and the reaction to the death of the family members amongst the elderly .


The qualitative phenomenological approach was to used s to obtain the data from the elderly women in the Ga - Rankuwa and in the Gauteng , so to gain the insight into the experiences of the death , dying , loss and grief in this age group .The purposive sampling was used to conduct in the depth interviews with the 0 elderly women whose family members had died .The data were to be analysed by using the thematic approach .


So the findings has been shows that the elderly were exposed to the multiple death of the family members .And the participants helplessly experienced with the sorrow the death of the family members and had the experienced the death anxiety and also to relinquished controls to the GOD in the terms of the death .


So the response of the death of the elderly affirms that it cannot be assumed as that multiple death experiences the establishes their readiness or the ability to handle these such experiences and to grieve succcessfully So it can be concluded that the grieving process of the elderly is not the different from any other age of the group and so that they will also has to require the type of the support and the assistance that consdered for the younger persons in the times of grieving .

The management of the dying patient oftenly elicits anxiety in the nursing staff .The eduation nad the role that playing by improving the perspective taking and the empathetic skills , and respect the each others point of the view and also appreciate the situation of the patient and their families .

The nurse develop the sense of control and efficacy .

The nurse encouraging the peers groups for the families coping with the bereavement ,

A nurse can helps by developing in increased resourcefulness in the dealing with the death related situation .

A nurse can helps in recognizing that a moderate level of the death anxiety si acceptable .

A nurse can improving the patient's understanding of the pain and suffering will also improves the communication and the effective interaction.

The nurse will integrate the percepts the primary palliative care , including the symptoms management ,supported decision making and also end of the life care , and focusing on the patient s and families .

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