
In: Operations Management

in your own words, please define and compare the following: -Core Product -Supplementary Services -Delivery Processes

in your own words, please define and compare the following:

-Core Product

-Supplementary Services

-Delivery Processes


Expert Solution

• Core products: Core products are kinds of products that directly relate to the core competencies of the company. The ultimate product of a company for which it has gained most of its reputation is called the core products. A company generally develops core products more than any other product, even if it has a product diversification strategy. Core products enable a company to use problem-solving, and customer service strategies for a more integrated customer relationship as the customers generally rely on the core products. For example- iPhone is the core product of Apple Inc, and sports shoes are core products Adidas.

• Supplementary services: Additional services offered to the customers, along with the core products, are called supplementary services. Supplementary services differ in different companies and different industries. These services are additional facilities that are provided with the core services or products. For example- supplementary services if a telecom company are caller information, caller identification, call waiting for facilities, call conferencing, and call barring facilities.

• Delivery process: It is a collection of events required to deliver products in different parts of the target market. Products are called deliverables on which decisions are made to deliver. It describes a complete end to end description of product or service delivery.

The primary customers of the delivery process are product delivery teams who deliver products according to the target customers' requirements. The purpose of the process is to manage the link between the project manager and the team manager while accepting, supervising, and delivering products. Various processes are included in the product delivery process. For example- accepting product proposal, creating tasks, executing the working package, and delivering the package.

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