In: Biology
How may pollination occur in the angiosperms? Are there any significant advantages or disadvantages to this pollination strategy?
Ans. Pollination is the transfer of pollens from anther to stigma of the same flower or other flower of same plant (self pollination) or flowers of another plant of same variety (cross pollination). Pollination can be done by wind, bees, insects, birds, water etc. in angiosperms.
Wind pollination occurs in plants producing light-weighed pollens and winged pollens in large quantity. In this mode of pollination,the advantage is that the plant requires no investment to produce scent, nectar, colored flowers for attraction of pollinators. Disadvatage is that loss of pollens is high during wind mediated transfer of pollens.
Bees and other insects pollinate plants in return to nectar i.e. they carry pollens along with them when they visit from one flower to another in search of nectar. The disadvantage is that plant invests energy to produce nectar. Advanatge is the plant does not need to produce much pollens as loss of pollen is very less during the pollination process unlike that of wind mediated pollination.
Pollination by birds (Ornithophily) involves production of colorful flowers with large quantity of nectar to attract birds. Hence, the disadvange includes energy wastage in production of nectar for attracting birds. Advantages include long distance transfer of pollens by birds.
Pollination by water (Hydrophily) does not require the plant to produce colorful flowers, nectar or scent and it is the advantage by saving investment on energy. Disadvantage is the chance of fertilization is less and loss of pollens is high as carried by water current.