In: Economics
What are the advantages and disadvantages of brick-and-mortar stores?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of online stores?
Which are there more of and how will this trend continue?
Please answer in complete sentences with an overall total of 150 words or more.
Advantage of brick and mortar
People who buy item from local shop don’t have to wait for a long period of time they have instant access to product for consumption .In case of urgency for example you have to gift something to someone on their birthday and you made a plan at last moment then you have only option from buying from local store .
We might have very good friendly terms with local shop keeper which might give us commodity on credits which we have to pay later.
In brick and mortar shop we have an advantage of instant trial for example we have to buy a cloths then from a local shops we can take a trial of cloths as much as we want and then buy it but this is not possible with ecommerce.
.Brick and mortar shop help us socialize we go we our friends and family to a local shop and buy item so we are able to know their likes and dislikes
Disadvantages of brick and mortar
It is very time consuming. It adds travel time which can be saved by online shopping and prices are expensive in local market
Advantage of online store
It saves a time, it saves a lot of travel time apart from it shopping can be done 24*7.there is no geographical limitation now days through online shopping goods can be bought from villages also. Online store provide greator no of options and product are also cheaper
Disadvantage of online store
Item cannot be accessed instantly, payment gateway of ecommerce is always prone to attack by hackers, quality can’t be checked before buying from online store .
Now days approximately 61%of shopping is done by offline mode but this trend is going to change very soon because online store give access to greator variety and their is no geographical limations by it and it also provide product at lesser price than offline stores.