
In: Operations Management

what does the teacher mean when she tell you pick phrase andwrite 1 page of...

what does the teacher mean when she tell you pick phrase and write 1 page of notes with ideas can you explain that more for me


Expert Solution

When teacher tell you to pick a phrase and write a page of notes means that the teacher tell you to find the main points on that phrase and use that main point as a sub heading and try to find more deep and mention some sub heading of that point and at last provide a summary of the phrase which clearly explains the basic of the phrase.

Lets understand with an example

Phrase - suppose that the phrase is about the art of convention notes.

2.1 Title: The Art of Conversation Notes:

Conv’n—most easily tch’ble art

(a) Reqd. interest’g subject – hobbies

(b) Talk about other fellow’s int./hobby

(c) Win’g reptn. as good conversationalist

(i) good f’ship

(ii) charm’g wit

(iii) brl. mind

Fit subs, for conversationalist

(a) What subs, to avoid/select?

(b) Avoid unpl’nt subs.

(i) sickness

(ii) death

(c) Avoid talk’g about self

Qualities of a good conversationalist

(a) What to say & how to say it

(b) ment’y quick & witty

(c) pleasant & unhurt’g

(d) avoid mannerisms.

2.2 Conversation is the easiest and the most effective tool than other arts. To have such attractive quality, you need to pick a subject that interest your listners more than you. Talk to your friends on topics that can indulge your friends in the conversation for a longer period of time. Being a good conversationalist, you have to quick and witty. You should have a pleasant and unhurting quality. Mannerism should be avoided.

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