Describe the three core roles played by courts in policymaking:
constitutional referee, meaning giver, and rights...
Describe the three core roles played by courts in policymaking:
constitutional referee, meaning giver, and rights protector.
Provide examples?
Expert Solution
The three core roles played by courts in policymaking are :
Constitutional referee : The supreme court plays the role of a
referee in a football match. The Congress, President, state police
and the government officials are all the players on the field. The
Supreme court job is to decide when the government officials are
within the boundaries of the enforced laws and when they step out
of the boundaries of the law. Example : In 1949, Mr. Terminiello
had given a speech to the audience in a hall of Chicago, attacking
all sorts of people. A crowd was called outside the hall. He used
abusive words for the crowd and the people who disagreed with him.
As per the Constitution, the Freedom of Speech is given to
everybody and any person can speak whatever he wants.
Meaning Giver : The role says that the court has the ability to
interpret the meaning of the laws given in the Constitution which
may be unclear. The court can interpret the meaning as per the
ability. For example, if the law Freedom to speech is not clear to
the court, they have the freedom to interpret its meaning as per
their ability.
Rights Protector : This means that the court justifies the
constitutional rights of the parties who comes to the court
alleging the violation of their rights. For instance, if any
person's comes with the allegation that another violates his
rights, the court can pass the order to protect his constitutional
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example of each of these rights. Ensure to
properly address the question with references and material from
this lesson. Answer should be minimum 1 page. As
much as possible use real world examples to clarify your point and
show me that you understand the material.