Hello, this is for my analytical chemistry class. How do you solve the following question: Calculate...

Hello, this is for my analytical chemistry class. How do you solve the following question: Calculate the solubility of Pb(IO3)2 in a solution of 0.020M Mg(NO3)2 using activities. Assume that since Pb(IO3)2 is only sparingly soluble that it does not contribute to the ionic strength. Please use the extended Debye-Huckel equation. αPb2+ = 450pm αIO3-​ = 450pm Pb(IO3)2 Ksp = 2.5*10-13

Thank you.

In: Chemistry

Oxalic acid dihydrate is a solid, diprotic acid that can be used in the laboratory as...

Oxalic acid dihydrate is a solid, diprotic acid that can be used in the laboratory as a primary standard. Its formula is H2C2O4

In: Chemistry

1) Carbon dioxide and water combined typically make up 1-3% of our atmosphere, and yet, we...

1) Carbon dioxide and water combined typically make up 1-3% of our atmosphere, and yet, we are constantly monitoring the atmospheric content of CO2 and H2O. Why? Explain why they vary from hour to hour and why they are such important gases in our atmosphere despite the fact that they are not the top three gases in our atmosphere.

(2) With one exception, the relative concentrations of atmospheric gases do not change with height. Indicate this exception, its concentration patterns, and reasons why this is the case.

(3) The atmosphere is in constant motion. Why? What is the general pattern of airflow? Explain why there is this general pattern of airflow and why atmospheric gases don’t simply flow into outer space.

(4) The composition of the Earth’s atmosphere has changed in the past 200 years. What are/were the major changes in our atmospheric composition?

(5) Name the top ten air pollutants we presently regulate. Is there a common source for these top ten pollutants? If so, what is it? What percentage of our atmospheric gases do these top ten regulated gases make up?

(5) Name the top ten air pollutants we presently regulate. Is there a common source for these top ten pollutants? If so, what is it? What percentage of our atmospheric gases do these top ten regulated gases make up?

(6) Identify the sinks for the following molecules and the transformation of the molecules due to the sink.


Sink for molecule

Form of molecule after sink used





(7) Identify two factors that affect the lifetime of pollutants in the atmosphere, and explain how these two factors affect pollutant lifetime. Why should you be aware of it

(8) When fossil fuel is burned, many different types of carbon-based molecules can be emitted. Of all carbon-based emissions, carbon dioxide is the best-case scenario given what will occur to the other carbon-based emissions. Explain why you agree or disagree with the previous statement and the consequence of this fact.

(9) The CAA dealt with both stratospheric and tropospheric ozone issues. Explain what emissions the CAA limited to address these two issues. It would be helpful to fill in the following table:

Emissions in CAA which addressed stratospheric ozone issue

(10) A colleague comments to you that the ozone hole must be getting worse since we are having so many ozone alert days. How would you gently correct this misconception of your colleague in relating ozone alert days with the ozone hole?

Emissions in CAA which addressed tropospheric ozone issue

In: Chemistry

Consider the following gas-phase reaction: C2H2(g) + 4 Cl2(g) 2 CCl4(g) + H2(g) Using data from...

Consider the following gas-phase reaction:

C2H2(g) + 4 Cl2(g) 2 CCl4(g) + H2(g)

Using data from Appendix C of your textbook calculate the temperature, To, at which this reaction will be at equilibrium under standard conditions (Go = 0) and choose whether >Go will increase, decrease, or not change with increasing temperature from the pulldown menu.

To = K, and Go will




not change with increasing temperature.

For each of the temperatures listed below calculate Go for the reaction above, and select from the pulldown menu whether the reaction under standard conditions will be spontaneous, nonspontaneous, or near equilibrium ("near equilibrium" means that T is within 5 K of To).

(a) At T = 1282 K Go = kJ/mol, and the reaction is




near equilibrium under standard conditions.

(b) At T = 1923 K Go = kJ/mol, and the reaction is




near equilibrium under standard conditions.

(c) At T = 641 K Go = kJ/mol, and the reaction is




near equilibrium under standard conditions.

In: Chemistry

A 17.5 g sample of a candy bar is burned in a bomb calorimeter, which has...

A 17.5 g sample of a candy bar is burned in a bomb calorimeter, which has a heat capacity of 9.25 kJ/°C. The temperature increases from 19.7°C to 57.3°C.

What is the fuel value of the candy bar? In kJ/g

How many Calories are in a 77.7 g candy bar? 1 Cal = 4.184 kJ. In Cal

In: Chemistry

The first theories to explain the similarities between bacteria and mitochondria or chloroplasts suggested that an...

The first theories to explain the similarities between bacteria and mitochondria or chloroplasts suggested that an early eukaryotic cell actually engulfed but failed to fully digest a free-living prokaryotic cell. Why is such an event unlikely to account for the origin of mitochondria or chloroplasts?

In: Chemistry

Find accepted values for the density, molar mass, and molar volume (you may need to calculate...

Find accepted values for the density, molar mass, and molar volume (you may need to calculate this from other literature or accepted values) of oleic acid and Avogadro’s number. Then, Write a formula for how you will calculate percent error.

In: Chemistry

What are the concentrations of H3O+ and OH- in each of the following? a. 1.55 M...

What are the concentrations of H3O+ and OH- in each of the following?

a. 1.55 M NaOH

b. 0.15 M Sr(OH)2

c. 0.056 M HClO4

d. 0.47 M HCl

In: Chemistry

Complete and balance the precipitation reactions. Include physical states in your equations. AgNO3(aq)+NaCl(aq)-----> K3PO4(aq)+MgCl2(aq)------->

Complete and balance the precipitation reactions. Include physical states in your equations.



In: Chemistry

Alkene metathesis or olefin metathesis includes two alkenes where the double bonds of the alkenes break...

Alkene metathesis or olefin metathesis includes two alkenes where the double bonds of the alkenes break and the fragments are reformed, however if the alkenes are asymmetrical there is a mixture of products, is there a way to know if one of the products is more favored, or are we going to have to show the formation of both products for all of these reactions?

In: Chemistry

One scale for electronegativity is based on the concept that the electronegativity of any atom is...

One scale for electronegativity is based on the concept that the electronegativity of any atom is proportional to the ionization energy of the atom minus its electron affinity: electronegativity = k(IE - EA), where k is a proportionality constant.

a) How does this definition explain why the electronegativity of F is greater than that of Cl even though Cl has the greater electron affinity?

b) Why are both ionization energy and electron affinity relevant to the notion of electronegativity?

c) Determine the value of k that would lead to an electronegativity of 4.0 for F under this definition.

d) Use your result from part c to determine the electronegativities of Cl and O using this scale. Do these values follow the trend based on a figure of electronegativity values based on Paulings thermochemical data.

In: Chemistry

Rate as a Function of Temperature: The 2 Point Arrhenius Equation 1. When the temperature is...

Rate as a Function of Temperature: The 2 Point Arrhenius Equation

1. When the temperature is changed from 25°C to 46.3°C, the reaction rate doubles. What is the Activation Energy (Ea) in kJ/mol for this reaction?

2. A first order reaction has a half life of 45.0 minutes at 30.0°C. What is the half life (in minutes) when the reaction is heated to 61.0°C? The activation energy for this reaction is 107.0 kJ/mol.

In: Chemistry

E. Identification of Unknown From your test results, identify your unknown as a saturated (alkane) or...

E. Identification of Unknown

From your test results, identify your unknown as a saturated (alkane) or unsaturated (alkene)

hydrocarbon. Give your reasoning. If the names of the possible compounds are known, write

their names and condensed structural formulas.

Unknown combustion Bromine Test KMnO4 test Alkane or Alkane?

Explain your conclusion:

Can you pleased help me with any possible ideas, by writting names and condensed structural formulas, as also need to indicate if its alkane or alkene, and if possible a short conclussion

In: Chemistry

Biochem Lab: Explain the basis for the stacking gel portion of a polyacrylamide gel. Describe how...

Biochem Lab: Explain the basis for the stacking gel portion of a polyacrylamide gel. Describe how it works with respect to the loaded protein samples as well as the running buffer components.

In: Chemistry

Find the second virial coefficient for the Dieterici equation of state p = (RT/V-b) exp (-a/RTV)

Find the second virial coefficient for the Dieterici equation of state

p = (RT/V-b) exp (-a/RTV)

In: Chemistry