Dr. Dahm is trying to generate CO2(g) by reacting an acid with calcium carbonate. If he...

Dr. Dahm is trying to generate CO2(g) by reacting an acid with calcium carbonate. If he pours 389 mL of a 1.6 M solution of H2SO4 into a flask that contains 69.5 g of CaCO3. If the temperature is 30 °C and the pressure is 0.984 atm calculate the volume of CO2(g) produced.

                        H2SO4    +    CaCO3 CO2(g)   +      CaSO4(aq)    +    H2O(l)

In: Chemistry

What is the molarity of 109mL of a 17.2% NaCl solution?

What is the molarity of 109mL of a 17.2% NaCl solution?

In: Chemistry

For the reaction shown, compute the theoretical yield of product (in grams) for each of the...

For the reaction shown, compute the theoretical yield of product (in grams) for each of the following initial amounts of reactants.


Part B

7.8 g Al, 25.2 g Cl2

Express your answer using three significant figures.

Part C

0.230 g Al, 1.10 g Cl2

Express your answer using three significant figures.

In: Chemistry

1. The Kaof iodic acid (HIO3) at 25 °C is 1.6*10-1. What is the Kb of...

1. The Kaof iodic acid (HIO3) at 25 °C is 1.6*10-1. What is the Kb of iodate (IO3-) at this temperature?

b. Use the information in the first question to calculate the pH of a 0.10 M solution of iodic acid at a temperature of 25 °C?

c. Use the information in the first question to calculate the pH of a solution obtained by combining 20.0 mL of 0.10 M iodic acid and 10.0 mL of 0.1 M sodium hydroxide (NaOH).

d. Use the information in the first question to calculate the pH of a solution obtained by combining 20.0 mL of 0.10 M iodic acid and 20.0 mL of 0.1 M sodium hydroxide.

Appriciate it!

In: Chemistry

Compare the Peng-Robinson vapor pressures to the experimental vapor pressures (respresented by Antoines constants) for n-Hexane

Compare the Peng-Robinson vapor pressures to the experimental vapor pressures (respresented by Antoines constants) for n-Hexane

In: Chemistry

Compare the standard molar entropy for three common forms of iodine in different states ofmatter. Explain...

Compare the standard molar entropy for three common forms of iodine in different states ofmatter. Explain the trend in the values; why are they different?


In: Chemistry

1) You are given an unknown containing KClO3. Following the procedure in your manual, you obtain...

1) You are given an unknown containing KClO3.
Following the procedure in your manual, you obtain the following fictional data
Note! For this problem use the given (allbeit incorrect) vapor pressure of water

Mass of empty test tube 54.5679 g
Mass of test tube + unknown 54.8523 g
Mass of test tube + unknown + MnO2 54.9786 g
Mass of erlenmeyer flask with residual water 308.81 g
Mass of erlenmeyer flask filled with water 364.23 g
Atmospheric pressure 754.9 mmHg
Temperature of water 38.5 °C
Partial pressure of water at 38.5 37.94 mmHg
Mass of test tube + Residue after heating 54.9032 g
Density of water .996 g/mL
A) Molar volume of Oxygen
   (a) Volume of Oxygen collected _______________ mL
  (b) Partial pressure of dry oxygen _______________ mmHg
  (c) Volume of oxygen corrected to STP _______________ mL
  (d) Mass of oxygen produced _______________ g
  (e) Moles of oxygen gas produced _______________ mol
  (f) Calculated molar volume at STP _______________ L/mol
B) Per cent KClO3 in unknown
  (g) Mass of unknown used _______________ g
  (h) Moles of KClO3calculated from moles O2 _______________ mol
  (i) Mass of KClO3 in unknown calculated from moles O2 _______________ g
  (j) Per cent KClO3 in unknown _______________ %
C) Residual "KCl??" from UNKNOWN
     Residual "KCl??" is what is left in the tube after heating except for the MnO2
  (k) Mass of residual KCl? produced from UNKNOWN _______________ g
  (l) Theoretical yield of KCl if UNKNOWN is 100% KClO3 _______________ g
  (m) % Yield of "KCl" based on k and l above _______________ %
2) Look up in the handbook or elsewhere....
the actual vapor pressure of water at 38.5 °C _______________ mmHg
WARNING...Do not use this number in problem 1

3) Know....
How accurately you will measure the volumes and weights?
How accurately you will be able to measure molar volume, % KClO3
What is the function of MnO2, the leveling tank
When do you use the Triple Beam Balance and the Analytical Balance and why.
Then think how would your results be affected IF...:
You started with a wet test tube?
You made an error in one or more of your weighings?
You made an error of 1 cm in using the leveling tank?

In: Chemistry

Calculate the energy difference for a transition in the Paschen series for a transition from the...

Calculate the energy difference for a transition in the Paschen series for a transition from the higher energy shell n=6. Express your answer to four significant figures and include the appropriate units

In: Chemistry

A sample solution of [(+/-)-Co(en)3]I3 (with no impurities) is found to have [α]D = +77o, whereas...

A sample solution of [(+/-)-Co(en)3]I3 (with no impurities) is found to have [α]D = +77o, whereas a pure enantiomer would give a value of [α]D = +89o. Calculate the exact percentage of (+) and (-) isomers present in the sample solution. (note: you must first reason whether the rotation value indicates the total amount of + isomer or the enantiomeric excess).

In: Chemistry

Two chemicals are present in the same sample, where compound A is the analyte of interest...

Two chemicals are present in the same sample, where compound A is the analyte of interest and B is a possible interfering agent. It is known that A has a distribution ratio of 26.7 at pH = 7.0 when extracted from water with toluene. Compound B has a distribution coefficient ratio of 0.24 under the same conditions.

A) What percent of each compound will be extracted from a 100.0 mL sample of water when using 20.0 mL of toluene in a single-step extraction?

B) What percent of A and B will be extracted after two, three and four extractions if each extraction step uses a fresh 20.0 mL portion of toluene?

C) Describe how the recovery and purity of compound A will change as the

number of extractions increases in this sample.

In: Chemistry

compare column, thin-layer, and gas chromatography in terms of mobile phase and stationary phase

compare column, thin-layer, and gas chromatography in terms of mobile phase and stationary phase

In: Chemistry

Provide a detailed description of the theory of Raman spectroscopy and explain (in general terms) how...

Provide a detailed description of the theory of Raman spectroscopy and explain (in general terms) how it is used in the field of physical chemistry.

In: Chemistry

Are green potatoes poisonous or is this a myth?

Are green potatoes poisonous or is this a myth?

In: Chemistry

A 280.0 mL buffer solution is 0.260 M in acetic acid and 0.260 M in sodium...

A 280.0 mL buffer solution is 0.260 M in acetic acid and 0.260 M in sodium acetate.

Part A

What is the initial pH of this solution?

Part B

What is the pH after addition of 0.0100 mol of HCl?

Part C

What is the pH after addition of 0.0100 mol of NaOH?

In: Chemistry

in GC calibration curve, which concentration remains constant and which one changes? (analyte vs internal standard)

in GC calibration curve, which concentration remains constant and which one changes? (analyte vs internal standard)

In: Chemistry