synthesize 3-benzyl-2-phenylhexanal using an aldol condensation followed by conjugate addition of a gilman reagent

synthesize 3-benzyl-2-phenylhexanal using an aldol condensation followed by conjugate addition of a gilman reagent

In: Chemistry

Calculate the pH of the following: a) 0.25 M HClO (aq) b) 0.015 M Sr (OH)...

Calculate the pH of the following:

a) 0.25 M HClO (aq)
b) 0.015 M Sr (OH) (aq)
c) 0.015 M Hl (aq)
d) 0.15 M CH3NH2 (aq)

In: Chemistry

Can you explain what an energy band gap is and which one has the highest N,O,Se,S

Can you explain what an energy band gap is and which one has the highest N,O,Se,S

In: Chemistry

25 pts) One mole of ideal, monatomic gas, initially at T = 250 K and pressure...

25 pts) One mole of ideal, monatomic gas, initially at T = 250 K and pressure 5.0 atm is: a) reversibly heated at constant pressure until its volume doubles b) reversibly heated at constant volume until its pressure doubles Determine w, q ,ΔU, ΔΗ , and ΔS for these two cases (20 pts). Can you calculate A and G for these two cases? Explain why. (5 pts)

In: Chemistry

How would I calculate the final concentration of each anion solution after equal amounts are combined...

How would I calculate the final concentration of each anion solution after equal amounts are combined to make 1 mL of the known solution. Anions are 0.20M of NaBr, NaCl, NaI and Na2SO4 and 2.0M Na2CO3.

In: Chemistry

Question 5 a) How many mL of 0.1 M CH3COONa must you add to 35.0 mL...

Question 5

a) How many mL of 0.1 M CH3COONa must you add to 35.0 mL of 0.50 M CH3COOH to make a buffer of pH 4.7? [pKa of H3COONa is 4.75]

b) Use the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation to calculate how many mL of 0.1 M HCl must you add to 100 mL of 0.10 M Tris base to make a buffer of pH 8.8? [pka of Tris Base is 8.08]

c) What is the pH when 25.0 mL of 0.200 M of CH3COOH has been titrated with 35.0 mL of 0.100 M NaOH? Write out the balanced chemical equation.

d) *You need to produce a buffer solution that has a pH of 4.68. You already have solution that contains 15.0 mmol of CH3COOH. How many millimoles of CH3COONa should you add to this solution?

In: Chemistry

If a cell with a resting membrane potential of -70 mV is treated so that the...

If a cell with a resting membrane potential of -70 mV is treated so that the resting membrane potential is at the equilibrium potential of K+, and then the permeability of the membrane for all ions is returned to normal: why WONT K+ move into the cell across the cell membrane until the resting membrane potential is restored but Na+ will?

In: Chemistry

The molecular structures of Cr(acac)3 and Fe(acac)3 are quite different from that of Mn(acac)3. What are...

The molecular structures of Cr(acac)3 and Fe(acac)3 are quite different from that of Mn(acac)3. What are these structures? What is the true structure of the so-called manganic acetate? Please explain thoroughly.

In: Chemistry

The pH of a 0.016-M aqueous solution of p-toluidine (CH3C6H4NH2) is 8.60. Calculate Kb.

The pH of a 0.016-M aqueous solution of p-toluidine (CH3C6H4NH2) is 8.60. Calculate Kb.

In: Chemistry

A 91.70 g sample of metal was heated in a boiling water bath at 99.4 °C....

A 91.70 g sample of metal was heated in a boiling water bath at 99.4 °C. The hot metal was then placed in a calorimeter, with heat capacity 39 J/K containing 45.0 g of water. Analysis of the thermogram showed the initial temperature to be 21.1°C, the final temperature to be 42.3°C.

4.91 g of LiCl was dissolved in 50.0 mL of water in the same calorimeter as in problem (above)

1. Analysis of the thermogram showed the initial temperature to be 22.9C, the final temperature to be 49.2C.

Was the dissolution of the ionic solid exothermic or endothermic?

Calculate the mass of the water

Calculate delta H solution

Calculate delta H ( - above H with degrees) solution (assume constant pressure of 1 bar)

Please post work because I want to learn this material.. not just get answers. Thanks

In: Chemistry

A 91.70 g sample of metal was heated in a boiling water bath at 99.4 °C....

A 91.70 g sample of metal was heated in a boiling water bath at 99.4 °C. The hot metal was then placed in a calorimeter, with heat capacity 39 J/K containing 45.0 g of water. Analysis of the thermogram showed the initial temperature to be 21.1°C, the final temperature to be 42.3°C.

Calculate Delta T water

Calculate Delta T metal

Calculate . CsPmetal

Calculate M (there's a - above the M.. don't know what that means) metal

What is the likely identity of the metal?

PLEASE post the material as I want to learn this material and not use chegg just to get answers.

In: Chemistry

Consider the following reaction: NO(g) + NO3(g) --> 2NO2(g) which has an observed rate law of...

Consider the following reaction: NO(g) + NO3(g) --> 2NO2(g) which has an observed rate law of rate = k[NO][NO3].

a. Describe what would happen to the rate if the concentration of NO was cut in half with NO3 held constant.

b. What does this mean on the particle level in terms of distance between NO and NO3 particles?

c. Describe what would happen to the rate if the concentration of NO was doubled with NO3 held constant.

d. What does this mean on the particle level in terms of distance between NO and NO3 particles?

e. What if the concentration of NO was very high and NO3 was very low -- what would happen to the rate of the reaction (and what would affect the rate the most, a slighter increase to [NO] or [NO3])?

** Would love to fully understand this, not just get an answer! Thank you.

In: Chemistry

What structural or electronic aspect of (2E)-1-(4-Nitrophenyl)-3-(2-pyridinyl)-2-propen-1-one prevents the resonance argument and empirical parameters from adequately...

What structural or electronic aspect of (2E)-1-(4-Nitrophenyl)-3-(2-pyridinyl)-2-propen-1-one prevents the resonance argument and empirical parameters from adequately predicting the H-NMR chemical shifts of the alpha C-H?

In: Chemistry

Consider the following blending process. A well-mixed tank initially contains 2000. L of a solution that...

Consider the following blending process. A well-mixed tank initially contains 2000. L of a solution that is 30.0 wt% phosphoric acid. At some time we begin feeding two streams of acid of different concentration into the tank. One stream has a flowrate of 100.0 kg/min and an acid concentration of 80.0 wt %. The second stream has a flowrate of 200. kg/min with an acid concentration of 50.0 wt %. We also withdraw a stream at a rate of 5.0 kg/s. Assume the density of the streams is 1185. kg/m3 .

a. Derive the differential equation for the weight fraction acid as a function of time.

b. How much phosphoric acid is in the tank after 20.0 minutes?

In: Chemistry

consider the titration of a strong acid, HCL, with a strong base NaOH. The 35 ml...

consider the titration of a strong acid, HCL, with a strong base NaOH. The 35 ml of .1 M HCL is in the flask. What is the pH of the solution after 40 ml of .100 M NaOH has been added to to it?

In: Chemistry