
In: Operations Management

For this week’s Written Assignment, you have a chance to practice your critical thinking skills. Read...

For this week’s Written Assignment, you have a chance to practice your critical thinking skills. Read the Loyalty Dilemma Case Study

and write an analysis. The goal is to demonstrate critical thinking in your analysis; you do not need to become an accounting expert to critically analyze this case study. In your analysis, be sure to include:

  1. A summary of the issue.
  2. Use of at least one critical thinking strategy or tool to analyze the situation and highlight key facts. Be sure to identify the tool you select and describe its use.
  3. A recommendation to resolve the situation, along with reasons why you recommend this solution.


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A summary of the issue.

Since taking work with Investment Consulting Associates, Harry Markham has gotten profoundly troubled by the inner clash. Since working for the organization, he has understood that numbers were off, that liabilities are in effect severely distorted and he is left not having the option to appropriately carry out his responsibility by beguiling them if he decides to stay faithful to the organization and not revel the measure of cash the firm has is seriously shy of. He contends that he knows he needs to make some noise, not just for the individuals utilizing the open division of the annuity finance yet in addition to the state treasurer lastly his promise to the Code of Ethics and Standard of Professional Conduct. He needs to be faithful to his organization. He additionally needs to be faithful to his clients and to the Code of Ethics that he is limited by.

Use of at least one critical thinking strategy or tool to analyze the situation and highlight key facts. Be sure to identify the tool you select and describe its use.

Markham has developed increasingly more worried over the condition of annuity assets and all the more significant by how these assets are being esteemed. If he utilized the information he headed off to college for, he would get numbers that are twice as high.

He realized that utilizing an 8% swelled rate was an abundant excess and that 3% was progressively suitable. Furthermore, no one thought about it. He realized it's a risk issue and he is abusing his Ethics promise. It's not so much worth going to prison. In any case, the issue additionally was this Is something everybody thought about and nobody minded or needed to address. Open information on sorts. Along these lines, for telling the numbers as ICA determined them, he probably won't go to prison if everything went on fine as open mysteries typically tend to. Be that as it may, if things open up to the world, he would be the first to follow through on the cost, as the little fish are consistently the first to go.

A recommendation to resolve the situation, along with reasons why you recommend this solution.

The most judicious answer for Harry's concern would be If he left the organization. He is limited by the FCA and the Ethics vow. He would follow through on the greatest cost on the off chance that they got captured. The organization would presumably simply pay a fine yet he would free his CPA permit, get banned, and lose his life. Furthermore, that is a real existence he constantly needed and worked for.

Two situations are feasible:

  • He would come clean to the customers and lose his position at the ICA.
  • He would choose to leave the organization before he stands up to customers and spare his uprightness.

The best choice is to leave the organization and search for another, better occupation with every one of his accreditations and expert enrollments flawless.

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