
In: Computer Science

In Python Create customer information system as follows: Ask the user to enter name, phonenumber, email....

In Python Create customer information system as follows:

Ask the user to enter name, phonenumber, email. Create a file by his name and save it in the hard disk. Do this repeatedly until all the users are entered. (for example, if the user enters 10 customers’s information, there should be 10 different files created.)

Now build the customer value for a retail company as follows:

Ask the customer to enter his name. If you have his information already stored, then showing him his stored number and email. If not, ask his phone and email and save on his name.

Ask him to enter what he buying (itemname, quantity, unit price.) repeatedly until he enters all the items. Calculate the total including the tax (0.0825). Append the total price to his file.


Expert Solution

Save below code in file ending with .py extension

import os

def create_file():
    function to create file with user name
    if existing file with name it will replace
    while 1:
        name = input("Enter name: ")
        phone_number = input("Enter phone number: ")
        email = input("Enter email: ")
        with open(name, 'w') as f:
            f.write("Name: %s\n" % name)
            f.write("Phone: %s\n" % phone_number)
            f.write("Email: %s\n" % email)
        another_entry = input("do you want to add another entry[y/n]: ").lower()
        if another_entry not in ('y', 'yes'):

def build_info():
    function to build info
    # getting all files
    files = os.listdir()
    name = input("Enter name: ")
    # if name file not found
    if name not in files:
        # creating new one
        print("%s not found" % name)
        phone_number = input("Enter phone number: ")
        email = input("Enter email: ")
        with open(name, 'w') as f:
            f.write("Name: %s\n" % name)
            f.write("Phone: %s\n" % phone_number)
            f.write("Email: %s\n" % email)
    with open(name) as f:
        for line in f.readlines():
    # asking item details and adding
    with open(name, 'a') as f:
        print("\n{:<20s}{:<20s}{:<20}{:<20}".format("Item", "Quantity", "Per Unit", "Price"), file=f)
        total = 0
        tax = 0.0825
        while 1:
            item_name = input("Item name: ")
            quantity = int(input("Enter the quantity: "))
            per_unit_price = float(input("Enter per unit price: "))
            price = quantity * per_unit_price
            total += price
            print("{:<20s}{:<20s}{:<20}{:<20}".format(item_name, str(quantity), str(per_unit_price), str(price)),
            another_entry = input("do you want to add another item[y/n]: ").lower()
            if another_entry not in ('y', 'yes'):
        total += tax
        print("-" * 70, file=f)
        print(" " * 55 + " Total %.2f" % total, file=f)

# calling both functions


# File

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