In: Operations Management
To meet rising demands for health care, a new form of clinics has begun to emerge: clinics run by nurse practitioners says the New York Times.
Many of these nurse practitioners are limited in what they can and can't do based on state law. In some states, nurse practitioners are completely free to treat patients and give prescriptions. However, some states won't allow these clinics without at least one trained physician.
These clinics staffed with nurse practitioners offer an avenue for alleviating some of the strain being put on primary care physicians. Indeed, the Affordable Care Act will bring 32 million uninsured people into the health system and there aren't enough primary care physicians to cover them. Furthermore, physicians are poorly distributed, many of them opting to work in urban areas rather than rural towns.
Some critics of having nurse practitioners run clinics argue that the quality of care is compromised for patients.
Moreover, nurse-led clinics are cheaper than traditional doctor-led practices. Furthermore, these clinics are small and don't need a variety of practitioners to keep the clinic at full capacity. Finally, nurse practitioner-led clinics provide patients with an alternative to the emergency room, which results in large savings.
Discuss your position and analyze how this problem could become a major problem and affect more Americans in the future.
I support this view of clinics run by Nurse practioners because i Think Nurses with advanced degree and experience will be able to provide high quality care at low cost to patients. The major problem in US is that there is ACA which promises to provide low cost healthcare to insured people but there are clinics which are in urbans areas which makes it difficult for patient to reach and seek medical care.
If there are practitioner nurses running clinics in rural areas where healthcare facilities are limited then it increases the chances to have health care to people at low cost. Like in this case, nurse-led clinics are cheaper than traditional doctor-led practices. Furthermore, these clinics are small and don't need a variety of practitioners to keep the clinic at full capacity. so The nurses will keep more focus on patients and thier care.
The shortage of such nurses is the problem because Nurses acts as bridge between doctors and patients but if there are not qualified and practitionered nurses then quality of care will be compromised.These Nurses are more professional and skilled as they are fully capable in treating illnesses and injuries and manage overall patient care .