
In: Computer Science

In Java: (1) Create two files to submit: - Class definition - Contains main()...

In Java:

(1) Create two files to submit:

  • - Class definition
  • - Contains main() method

Build the ItemToBuy class with the following specifications:

  • Private fields
    • String itemName - Initialized in the nor-arg constructor to "none"
    • int itemPrice - Initialized in default constructor to 0
    • int itemQuantity - Initialized in default constructor to 0
  • No-arg Constructor (set the String instance field to "none")
  • Public member methods (mutators & accessors)
    • setName() & getName()
    • setPrice() & getPrice()
    • setQuantity() & getQuantity()
    • toString()

(2) In main(), prompt the user for two items and create two objects of the ItemToPurchase class. Before prompting for the second item, call scnr.nextLine(); to allow the user to input a new string.


Item 1

Item = Chocolate Chips, Price = 3, Quantity =  1

Item 2

Item = Bottled Water, Price = 1, Quantity = 10

(3) Add the costs of the two items together and output the total cost. (2 pts)

TOTAL COST Chocolate Chips 1 @ $3 = $3

Bottled Water 10 @ $1 = $10

Total: $13


Expert Solution

package items;
import java.util.*;
public class ItemToBuy//public class
    public String itemName ;//data members
    public int itemPrice;
    public int itemQuantity;
    Scanner sc=new Scanner(;
    public ItemToBuy()//functions
    public void setName()
    public String getname()
        return itemName;
    public void setprice()
    public int getprice()
        return itemPrice;
    public void setquantity()

    public int getquantity()
        return itemQuantity;

save this file make it a packge by

javac -d .

this above command in command prompt

import items.ItemToBuy;//imporing the class 
class ShoppingCartDriver
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ItemToBuy obj=new ItemToBuy();//making the 2 objects
        ItemToBuy obj1=new ItemToBuy();
        System.out.println("item 1");//input from the user
        System.out.println("enter name");
        System.out.println("enter price");
        System.out.println("enter quantity");
        System.out.println("item 2");
        System.out.println("enter name");
        System.out.println("enter price");
        System.out.println("enter quantity");
        System.out.println("Total cost"+obj.getname()+obj.getquantity()+"@ $"+obj.getprice());
        int i1=obj.getprice()*obj.getquantity();
        System.out.println("Total cost"+obj1.getname()+obj1.getquantity()+"@ $"+obj1.getprice());
        int i2=obj1.getprice()*obj1.getquantity();
        int total=i1+i2;//total price calculation
        System.out.println("total= $"+total);



item 1
enter name
Chocolate Chips
enter price
enter quantity
item 2
enter name
Bottled Water
enter price
enter quantity
Total costChocolate Chips3@ $1
Total costBottled Water3@ $1
total= $6

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