In: Computer Science
(1) Create two files to submit:
Build the Payroll class with the following specifications:
(2) In main(), create two Payroll objects: one use the info
inputted by the user, and the other use the default constructor,
and print the info for each employee (2 pts)
Enter the name, ID, pay rate, and hours worked of an employee: Linda Smith 1234 20.5 35 Employee Records: Name ID Pay Rate Hrs Worked Gross Pay Linda Smith 1234 $20.50/hr 35.0 $717.50 John Doe 9999 $15.00/hr 40.0 $600.00 and are created in Payroll Package inside the Payroll Package. I have attached the Structure of this project below:
package Payroll;
// Payroll Class
public class Payroll {
// private field name of type String
private String name;
// private field ID of type int
private int ID;
// private field payRate of type double
private double payRate;
// private field hrWorked of type double
private double hrWorked;
// Default constructor
public Payroll() {
// String name - Initialized in default constructor to "John Doe" = "John Doe";
// int ID - Initialized in default constructor to 9999
this.ID = 9999;
// double payRate - Initialized in default constructor to 15.0
this.payRate = 15.0;
// double hrWorked - Initialized in default constructor to 40
this.hrWorked = 40;
// A constructor that accepts the employee’s name, ID, and pay rate as arguments.
public Payroll(String name, int ID, double payRate, double hrWorked) {
// The values passed in the argument are assigned to the fields = name;
this.ID = ID;
this.payRate = payRate;
this.hrWorked = hrWorked;
// getName accessor method
public String getName() {
return name;
// getID accessor method
public int getID() {
return ID;
// getPayRate accessor method
public double getPayRate() {
return payRate;
// setPayRate mutator method
public void setPayRate(double payRate) {
this.payRate = payRate;
// getHrWorked accessor method
public double getHrWorked() {
return hrWorked;
// setHrWorked mutator method
public void setHrWorked(double hrWorked) {
this.hrWorked = hrWorked;
// grossPay returns employee’s gross pay
public double grossPay() {
return this.hrWorked * this.payRate;
package Payroll;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.util.Scanner;
// PayrollClient Class
public class PayrollClient {
// Has main method
public static void main(String[] args) {
// The decimal number in the print output of gross pay should have two numbers after the decimal point
DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("#.00");
// A Scanner object is created
Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
// Displays prompt
System.out.println("Enter the name, ID, pay rate, and hours worked of an employee:");
// Gets name, ID, pay rate and number of hours worked from the user
String name = sc.nextLine();
int ID = Integer.parseInt(sc.nextLine());
double payRate = Double.parseDouble((sc.nextLine()));
double hrWorked = Double.parseDouble((sc.nextLine()));
// Two objects of Payroll class are created
// p1 is created using user input
Payroll p1 = new Payroll(name, ID, payRate, hrWorked);
// p2 object uses default constructor
Payroll p2 = new Payroll();
// Output values are printed
System.out.println("Employee Records:");
System.out.println("Name ID Pay Rate Hrs Worked Gross Pay");
System.out.println(p1.getName() + " " + p1.getID() + " $" + p1.getPayRate() + "/hr " + p1.getHrWorked()
+ " $" + df.format(p1.grossPay()));
System.out.println(p2.getName() + " " + p2.getID() + " $" + p2.getPayRate() + "/hr " + p2.getHrWorked()
+ " $" + df.format(p1.grossPay()));