
In: Computer Science

(1) Create three files to submit. ContactNode.h - Class declaration ContactNode.cpp - Class definition main.cpp -...

(1) Create three files to submit.

  • ContactNode.h - Class declaration
  • ContactNode.cpp - Class definition
  • main.cpp - main() function

(2) Build the ContactNode class per the following specifications:

  • Parameterized constructor. Parameters are name followed by phone number.

  • Public member functions

    • InsertAfter() (2 pts)
    • GetName() - Accessor (1 pt)
    • GetPhoneNumber - Accessor (1 pt)
    • GetNext() - Accessor (1 pt)
    • PrintContactNode()
  • Private data members

    • string contactName
    • string contactPhoneNum
    • ContactNode* nextNodePtr

Ex. of PrintContactNode() output:

Name: Roxanne Hughes
Phone number: 443-555-2864

(3) In main(), prompt the user for three contacts and output the user's input. Create three ContactNodes and use the nodes to build a linked list. (2 pts)


Person 1
Enter name:
Roxanne Hughes
Enter phone number:
You entered: Roxanne Hughes, 443-555-2864

Person 2
Enter name:
Juan Alberto Jr.
Enter phone number:
You entered: Juan Alberto Jr., 410-555-9385

Person 3
Enter name:
Rachel Phillips
Enter phone number:
You entered: Rachel Phillips, 310-555-6610

(4) Output the linked list. (2 pts)


Name: Roxanne Hughes
Phone number: 443-555-2864

Name: Juan Alberto Jr.
Phone number: 410-555-9385

Name: Rachel Phillips
Phone number: 310-555-6610


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main() {

/* Type your code here. */

return 0;



How do you write this code?


Expert Solution

I have solve the problem in C++ code with comments and screenshot for easy understanding :)


ContactNode.h file


using namespace std;

class ContactNode{
string contactName;
string contactPhoneNum;
ContactNode* nextNodePtr;
ContactNode(string name, string phone);
void InsertAfter(ContactNode*);
string GetName() const;
string GetPhoneNumber() const;
ContactNode* GetNext();
void PrintContactNode();

ContactNode.cpp file:

#include <iostream>
#include "ContactNode.h"

using namespace std;

* Default constructor
* Assigns nextNodePtr to NULL
nextNodePtr = NULL;

* Parameterized constructor
* @param name a string represents contact name
* @param phone a string represents phone number
ContactNode::ContactNode(string name, string phone){
contactName = name;
contactPhoneNum = phone;

* Method Name: InsertAfter
* Makes connection between this node and the nextnode
void ContactNode::InsertAfter(ContactNode *nextNode){
//If the next pointer is null just assign the nextnode
if(nextNodePtr == NULL)
//Define a temp node to store current next pointer
ContactNode *temp = nextNodePtr;
//Then loop through the nextnodes and adjust the pointers
while(temp->nextNodePtr != NULL){
temp = temp->GetNext();
//Assign the nextnode to temp node
temp->nextNodePtr = nextNode;

/** Getter for Name **/
string ContactNode::GetName() const{
return contactName;

/** Getter for Phone number **/
string ContactNode::GetPhoneNumber() const{
return contactPhoneNum;

/** Getter for next pointer **/
ContactNode* ContactNode::GetNext(){
return nextNodePtr;

* Print contact Node - Name and Phone
void ContactNode::PrintContactNode(){
//Go through the next pointer and display name and phonenumber
if(nextNodePtr != NULL) {
cout << "Name: " << nextNodePtr->GetName() << endl;
cout << "Phone number: " << nextNodePtr->GetPhoneNumber() << endl;
cout << endl;

main.cpp file:

#include <iostream>
#include "ContactNode.h"

using namespace std;

//Define a constant for total number of contacts

int main()
//Declare two nodes to keep track of both the head and tail nodes
ContactNode *head, *tail;
head = new ContactNode;
//Get the contact node for TOTAL_CONTACTS times
for(int i=0; i < TOTAL_CONTACTS; i++){
//Display headings
cout << "\nPerson " << i+1 <<endl;
//Get Person name
cout<<"Enter name: "<<endl ;
string name;
getline(cin, name);
//Get Phone number
cout<<"Enter phone number: "<<endl ;
string phonenum;
getline(cin, phonenum);
//Display enetered values
cout << "You entered: "<< name << ", " << phonenum << endl;
//Create a node
tail = new ContactNode(name, phonenum);
//Insert after the head
cout << endl;
cout << "CONTACT LIST" << endl;
//Print contacts from head
return 0;


main.cpp file:

ContactNode.h file

ContactNode.cpp file:

Sample Run:

----------------PLEASE RATE THE ANSWER-----------THANK YOU!!!!!!!!----------

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