In: Biology
You are seeing a patient whose insulin receptors cannot bind to insulin. Which of the following would you expect? select two
a. HEr cells have too many glucose transporters at the cell membrane
b. This person cant lower her blood glucos levels
c. This perosn cant raise her blood glucose levels
d.her cells dont have enough glucose transporters at the cell membrane
Insulin stored in form of granules in the beta cells. when required, then insulin released into the blood. The main target organ is liver. but target cells are also present in cells of peripheral tissues. Insulin initiates its action by binding to cell membrane receptors which are glycoproteins.
Insulin promotes uptake of glucose from the blood by different peripheral tissues and also liver. Uptake of glucose by cells require a transport protein in cell membrane known as glucose transporter or GLUT. In absence of insulin, glucose transporter present inside the cell in form of membrane vesicles. Insulin promotes uptake of these vesicles by the cell membrane. Thereby the increase in the concentration of GLUT. That leads to uptake of glucose by cells.
From this explanation selected options are:
b) This person can't lower her blood glucose levels.
d) Her cells don't have enough glucose transporters at the cell membrane.
Because insulin receptors do not bind to insulin, there is no signal for glucose transporter to fuse with the cell membrane. So GLUT not available on the cell membrane to transport from blood to cell. So blood glucose level increases but not lowered.