
In: Economics

3. Why is it difficult to eradicate slavery? Does law enforcement do enough to eradicate slavery?...

3. Why is it difficult to eradicate slavery? Does law enforcement do enough to eradicate slavery? Whose responsibility is it to end slavery? What are some common tactics and strategies used to combat slavery?,


Expert Solution

Answer: it is difficult to eradicate slavery and human trafficking became a problem in the 21st century . Human being bought and sold for many purpose . Buying labor for industrial servant or domestic need or it could be for the purpose of sex worker.Here most of the time there were international transfer of women and children . By selling women and childen cross border many people earn lots of money . Now in modern slavery it is very difficult to eradicate it. To eradicate it there should collective effort and awareness about the issue should be spread . United nation have made very graet effort to stop it , in august 1833 slavery abolition have been passed in the united nation. This act put pressure to eradicate slavery . But unfortunately this act unable to eradicate slavery. In today's time slavery exist if we consider corporate sector than in that type of environment employees is being exploited by different tactics. Instead of corporate sector mostly in modern slavery women forced into prostitution . There is slavery like child labor forced early marriage also. Slavery is a kind of business that is now a day spread world wide . To eradicate it , there is a need to first understand and gather the information . This information can be help to take appropriate action and also to eradicate it. To eradiacte it, there should be collective resposibility of both the government , NGOs etc . Many countries like Canada , UK and California passed slavery act to eradicate it. There is a need of collaboration so that it can be elliminate from the economy. National law and colletive effort of the people can help to eradicate it. It is very necessary to understand the supply chain of the human trafficking , need to build global strategic network .    

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