Cost breakdown is the systematic process of identifying the
individual elements which comprise the total cost of a good,
service . It assigns a specific monitory value to each element.
Alternately, the value of the individual elements are expressed as
a percentage of the total cost.
- Useful in justifying the price charged to client
- Keeping sellers and providers are accountable
- Allow both companies and customers to identify specific reasons
for fluctuations in the price
- if the client does n't know exactly what the total for a good ,
service will be,he can estimate the total by looking at the
individual elemental cost.
- Knowing how total cost breaks also provide a benefit in
comparing costs and negotiates better rates
- Sellers and providers also can use cost break down to verify
that they charged the client every thing.
- If the price of a good, service is significantly higher than
the breakdown, the company may be charging exorbitantly. If the
price is significantly lower than the breakdown, the company likely
is taking a loss for working with the client.