
In: Psychology

How does China manifest themselves in the enforcement and interpretation of law and order?

How does China manifest themselves in the enforcement and interpretation of law and order?


Expert Solution

Note: This response is in UK English, please paste the response to MS Word and you should be able to spot discrepancies easily. You may elaborate the answer based on personal views or your classwork if necessary.

(Answer) China has a typical communist style government that is currently led by president Xi Jinping. Even though China claims to have a communist style government, it resembles that of a dictatorship.

The Chinese president has passed a new law that essentially removes the time limit to his term as President. This means that he can preside over China for as long as he likes. The Chinese people do not have a valued vote, opinion and certainly do not have the right to protest. Incidents like the Tiananmen Square and any other protests are easily thwarted by the government.

There is no free press in China and anyone with a negative opinion about the leaders, the government or anyone in power might eventually bear the brunt of their “misdoings.” Therefore, the Chinese government enforces their ideal government by maintaining order through suppression of the opposition through censorship.

China, for instance, does not have services like Google, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, etc. Instead of these, they have their own apps and services that are controlled by the government. The government has the right to monitor communication channels without a valid cause.

China might be against capitalist governments because they claim that the money is concentrated only in the hands of the “owners” of the society and not the working class. However, in communist countries, the capital is may also be concentrated in the hands of the “owners” and those who hold a high place in support of the government. Such a government would also dislike the structure of a Democracy since it would entail that the power would be in the hands of the people.

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