
In: Accounting

Berger Paint Pakistan limited produces three types of joint products, Silver paint, Golden paint and Diamond...

Berger Paint Pakistan limited produces three types of joint products, Silver paint, Golden paint and Diamond paint.
During March, 2020, the following information was recorded:
Particulars Silver Paint Golden Paint Diamond Paint Total Costs
Joint materials costs - - - Rs 960,000
Joint direct costs     555,000
Joint factory costs     490,000
Separable costs Rs 150,000 Rs 170,000 Rs 190,000    550,000
Production units 2,100 liters 2,500 liters 2,800 liters 7,400 liters
Sales units 1,900 liters 2,200 liters 2,400 liters 6,500 liters
Selling price per liter Rs 375 Rs 490 Rs 580 -
Additional information:
There was no beginning inventory as on 01/03/2020.
i). Compute total cost and unit cost of each type of above product, using the Hypothetical market value method.
                                                                                                                                                                 Marks: 6
ii). Compute closing inventory cost of each product and total inventory costs as on 31/03/2020.
                                                                                                                                                                 Marks: 2
iii). Define joint products and by-products. Also give logical justification to treat any one of joint products as a By-product.


Expert Solution

During March, 2020, the following information was recorded:
Particulars Silver Paint Golden Paint Diamond Paint Total Costs
Joint materials costs - - - Rs 960,000
Joint direct costs     555,000
Joint factory costs     490,000
Separable costs Rs 150,000 Rs 170,000 Rs 190,000    550,000
Production units 2,100 liters 2,500 liters 2,800 liters 7,400 liters
Sales units 1,900 liters 2,200 liters 2,400 liters 6,500 liters
Selling price per liter Rs 375 Rs 490 Rs 580 -


Additional information:
There was no beginning inventory as on 01/03/2020.
i). Compute total cost and unit cost of each type of above product, using the Hypothetical market value method.


Total joint cost =

Joint materials costs - - - Rs 960,000
Joint direct costs     555,000
Joint factory costs     490,000

Total joint cost = 2005000



Market value



Market value

Separable costs

Hypothetical market value

Joint cost allocation

Total cost

Unit cost =

Total cost / qty

Silver Paint









Golden Paint









Diamond Paint














*The joint cost is 64.13% ( 2005000 / 3126500 ) of the hypothetical market value

Hypothetical market value is equal to ultimate market value less separable processing cost.

Silver Paint = 637500 / 3126500 * 2005000 = 408824

Golden Paint = 1055000 / 3126500 * 2005000 =676563

Diamond Paint = 1434000 / 3126500 * 2005000 =919613


ii). Compute closing inventory cost of each product and total inventory costs as on 31/03/2020.

Closing inventory


Total cost of produced units

Units cost

Produced units

Sold units

Closing inventory

closing inventory cost = units* cost

Silver Paint







Golden Paint







Diamond Paint












Total cost of closing inventory



iii). Define joint products and by-products. Also give logical justification to treat any one of joint products as a By-product.


joint products :- Joint products are product resulted from a joint process. In other word A joint product is a product that results jointly with other products from processing a common input. So When the production of two or more products of same value, are made together with same input and process, is known as joint product.


by-products:- By products are product which is incidentally produced, during the joint processing operation of other some product. Market value of by-product is relatively lower than the main product.


logical justification to treat any one of joint products as a By-product

> By product have relatively lower sales value compare to main product.

>Normally by product is Waste or scrap of the main product.

> by-product means a product which is incidentally produced, during the processing operation of another product.

> by-product means a product which is incidentally produced, during the processing operation of another product.

> The treatment are differentiated from main product.

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