In: Nursing
what patient education is needed for this patient discharge ?
opioid overdose client teaching
Opioid overdose client teaching:
Opioids are Any of a group of synthetic compounds that exhibit similarities to the Opium Alkaloids that occur in nature. Opioid overdose may occur due to a deliberate misuse of a prescription, accidental intake of overdose of opioid medications or due to the illicit use opioid , such as heroin , pethidine etc.
Client education on discharge:
* Educate him regarding the causes of Opioid overdose and its complications .
Common opioid medications: morphine, codeine, oxycodone, methadone, fentanyl etc.
* Instruct him to strictly adhere to Physician's order on medications.
* Don't wait in clarifying the doubt regarding opioid prescription. Discuss with the physician, who prescribed it.
* If any signs of Opioid overdose, seek medical help immediately or call 911 .
Signs of Over medications are drowsiness, slurred speech, slow or shallow breathing, low blood pressure or heart beat and small pin point pupils.
The signs of Opioid poisoning are:
- limp body
- face become pale or clammy to touch
- Slow breathing or absence of breathing
- very slow hearbeat
- bluish or purple cast on fingernails and lips
- cannot awake from sleeping or speak
- vomiting.
* Educate the patient about the management and treatment of Opioid overdose.
Nalaxone is the antidote for opioid poisoning and it works by blocking opioid receptors.
Oxygen administration can manage the respiratory depression.
* Instruct the client on the importance of prevention of Opioid overdose:
- Don't take more than the prescribed dose
- Take opioids , only when you have a prescription
- Alcohol or sleeping pills should not mix with Opioids
- Educate the family members and friends on identification of signs of Opioid poisoning .
- If pain get worst, call the Doctor
-Dispose the unused medication properly.