
In: Nursing

Imagine yourself as physician in Philadelphia during the Yellow Fever epidemic. A patient comes to you...

Imagine yourself as physician in Philadelphia during the Yellow Fever epidemic. A patient comes to you with the symptoms of Yellow Fever. In at least 200 words explain how you would treat this patient. In answering, address whether you will follow Benjamin Rush’s line of treatment for Yellow Fever, whether you think he is acting as a good doctor, and why.


Expert Solution


Good and early supportive treatment in hospitals improve survival rates , there is currently no specific antiviral drug for yellow fever but specific care to treat dehydration liver and kidney failure and fever improves outcomes associated bacterial infections can be treated with antibiotics.


it is the most important means of preventing yellow fever, the yellow fever vaccine is safe affordable and single dose provides life long protection aginst disease.

Vector control

The risk of yellow fever transmission in urban areas can be reduced by eliminating potential mosquito breedings sites including by applying larvicides to water storage containers and other placces where standing water collects.

Epidemic preparedness and response

prompt detection of yellow fever and rapid response through emergency vaccination campaigns are essential for controlling outbreaks

plz give a thums up

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