
In: Nursing

Imagine you are a physician in Europe during an outbreak of the Black Death. In at...

Imagine you are a physician in Europe during an outbreak of the Black Death. In at least 200 words describe what you think is the cause of the disease you are witnessing and your favorite method(s) of treating this disease.


Expert Solution

BLACK DEATH- It was pandemic that ravaged Europe between 1347 and 1351 . It has also been called as The Great Mortality and Black Plague. It is known as one of the deadliest and widespread pandemic in history.

Causes -

1. According to authors , this plague evolved around area of China over 2000 years ago and spread globally several times as deadly pandemic. It peaked in Europe 1348 -1350 , thought it have been a bubonic Plague outbreak caused by Yersinia pestis , a bacterium . It reached Crimea 1346 and spread via fleas on Black Rats that travelled merchant ships ,soon spread throughout Mediterranean and Europe, which reduced world's population by about 100million and destroyed 30-60% of Europe population. This Plague came back several times until 19 century,most victims died within2-7 days of becoming infected.

As a physician ,I think the main cause of the disease was transmitted from rodents to humans by bite of infected fleas.this cause fever, fatigue, vomiting, headache, sleeplessness and affect the lymph nodes that become tender and swollen.

Treatment methods-

Favourite methods used to cure black death were that were used earlier like

- rubbing onions, herbs or chopped up snake in boils or cutting up a pigeon and rubbing it over on infected body.

- drinking vinegar , eating crushed minerals, sitting close to fire to drive out fever , fumigating house with herbs to purify air.

- doctors even tested urine for colour and Health, even some tasted it for test.

Afterwards many other Treatment methods were used

- use of several classes of antibiotics like streptomycin, gentamicin, tetracyclines.

- other Treatment methods includes giving oxygen, intravenous fluids and respiratory support.

People who are infected need immediate treatment and should be given antibiotics within 24. Hours to prevent Health.

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