
In: Anatomy and Physiology

Imagine you are a physician. A patient comes to your clinic complaining of excessive weight gain...

Imagine you are a physician. A patient comes to your clinic complaining of excessive weight gain accompanied by "weird" stretch marks on her abdomen. Upon examination you additionally note many bruises and a fat pad on the back of her neck. You suspect elevated cortisol levels are to blame. After reviewing the patients medication list you confirm that she isn't taking medications that would elevate her cortisol level. You order blood tests to determine if cortisol is the culprit and to narrow down the potential sources of the problem.

You patent's blood tests come back. You were right! Her cortisol levels are very high. But Cort isn't the only hormone that is out of balance. You also note very high levels of adrenocorticotripic hormone and very low levels of corticotropin releasing hormone.

Based on these results where is the source of the problem most likely located?

Group of answer choices

A. The anterior pituitary

B. The hypothalamus

C. The adrenal glands

D. The adipose tissue


Expert Solution

Anterior pituitary

The anterior pituitary is the gland which is responsible for the production of the ACTH or adrenocorticotropic hormone. The hormone is release from the anterior pituitary gland and when the gland are overactive, it leads to increase production of the ACTH and this in turn activates and triggers the adrenal which leads to the release of the cortisol. The cortisol helps in regulating the content of carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism and also helps in controlling the blood pressure. The source of problem is located in the anterior pituitary gland which is releases the ACTH hormone.

The hypothalamus is a part in the brain which is responsible for initiating the production of many hormones and is responsible for regulating multiple metabolitc functions. There are many hormones which are released by the hypothalamus like the corticotropin releasing hormone which helps in activating the pituitary gland, it helps in even regulating the growth hormones, gonadotropin releasing hormones etc.

The adrenal glands are those which are responsible for producing hormones like cortisol and aldosterone. It leads to production of cortisol which helps in controlling the use of fat of the body and it also helps in regulating the carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism. The adrenal glands receive signal from the pituitary gland and leads to production of cortisol.

As the ACTH level increases, it also tends to increase the production of cortisol and leads to increase in the deposition of fat in the adipose tissues. The metabolism is not able to take place properly and hence leads to fat accumulation.

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