Qualitative Research
- To describe a phenomena.
- Hypothesis are developed during the research process.
- Inductive theory
- Variables are controlled.
- Interaction between researchers and participants.
- Research design is flexible and may evolve during the research
- Data is represented or summarized in narrative or verbal
- Credibility,transferability,dependability and comfortability
throughout the research process.
- Samples are purposefully selected.
- Environment undertaken in natural environment.
- Use of logical analysis to control or account for alternative
- Holistic approach to data collection.
- Phenomena are studied holistically as part of a system.
- Large volumes of data are used to synthesize and report
Quantitative Research
- To determine a cause and effect relationship.
- Precise hypothesis is developed before the research
- Deductive theory.
- Variables are controlled.
- Objective data collection.
- Research design is flexible and may evolve during the research
- Data is represented or summarized in narrative or verbal
- Rigorous process throughout the research process.
- Samples are selected to represent the population in the
- Natural or artificial and controlled environment.
- Use statistical analysis to control for threats to study
- Structured data collection process.
- Phenomena are narrowed down for the research purposes.
- Data reduced and condensed to make significant or
non-significant findings.
- Stated with a predetermined degree of certainty.
I would prefer Qualitative data as it is useful for studying
limiting factors,helps when describing complex problems as well as
generates in depth data. it is useful for investigating complex
issues and has increased ecological validity because data is
collected in real life setting.It is usually done in a natural
environment making it easier to define certain variables.