In: Nursing
Provide one topic that could be researched using each of the following qualitative research designs: phenomenological, grounded theory, and ethnography. Discuss how that one topic could be researched using each of the three stated qualitative research designs.
* Qualitative Research Design = Q
Qualitative Research Design is importent for developing nursing knowledge for evidence based nursing practice.
* Phenomenology = Edmund Husserl is considered father of phenomenology. He gave descriptive phenomenology. Typically phenomenology deals with essence and meaning of a phenomenon as experiences of people . other wise we can say the study of peoples conscious experience of their life world that is their everyday life and social action.
its involve following four steps=
Type of Phenomenology = Descriptive Phenomenology = Descriptive phenomenology concerned to emphasized careful description of ordinary day to day life experience .
ualitative research design is a form of social inquiry that focuses on the way people interpret and make sense of their experinces and the world in which they live. It is used to gain insight into peoples attitudes behaiours and value systems concerns, motivation , aspiration etc .
1. Bracketing
2. Intuiting
3. Analysis
4. Descrbing
**** The researcher needs to understands the philosophical perspectives bbehind the approach especially the concept of studying how people experience of interest.
The Phenomenological report ends with the reader underlying better the essential invariant structure of the experience.
###Uses of phenomenology =
* Help to understand meaning of peoples experiences.
* Help to adjust to new issues and ideas as they emerge.
* Contribute to the development of new theory.
*** ETHANOGRAPHY= Ethanography is a descriptive account of social life and culture in a particular social system based on detailed observations of what people actually do. it is a research method that is used by sociologist often when studying groups and organizations .
Uses Of Ethanography =
* It provide a maximum comprehensive perspective than other forms of qualitative research design.
* These studies provide insight about the way unique group will react to health and illness and give the nurse information to design effective intervention that will support health.
* It lends itself well to topics that are not easily quantified.
Grounded theory studies are the preplanned of any of the qualitative methods. the researcher begin with general research question select define sample size who are most likely illuminate the intial understanding of the questions and collect data using a variety of methods other wise we can say the discovery of theory from data systematically obtained and analyzed in social research .
Uses =
* Helping to build models that can be used to assess human interactions to nursing interventions .
* It help to collect rich data from the experiences of individuals.
* It is an effective approach to build new theories and understand new phenomenoa.