In: Statistics and Probability
The suggested techniques to qualitative research encompass narrative, phenomenological, grounded theory, ethnography and case study. From a general perspective what would be the suggested application for each of the following?
Sample size, data saturation, and how to determine appropriate sample size
Type of data collected (i.e., perceptions of people regarding a phenomenon, narrative stories of people's experiences, artifacts, written material)
How data are collected (i.e., interviews, focus groups, written accounts)
How data are analyzed (e.g., words, themes, content, use of software programs)
How results are presented (i.e., use of participant's words, percentage and number of participants who expressed a theme, major themes or outliers)
Narrative Research :
Narrative research has many forms, uses a variety of analytic practices, and is rooted in different social and humanities disciplines. “Narrative” might be the term assigned to any text or discourse, or, it might be text used within the context of a mode of inquiry in qualitative research, with a specific focus on the stories told by individuals .
The procedures for implementing this research consist of focusing on studying one or two individuals, gathering data through the collection of their stories, reporting individual experiences, and chronologically ordering (or using life course stages) the meaning of those experiences. Although narrative research originated from literature, history, anthropology, sociology, sociolinguistics, and education, different fields of study have adopted their own approaches.
Types of Narrative Studies
One approach to narrative research is to differentiate types of narrative research by the analytic strategies used by authors.
A second approach is to emphasize the variety of forms found in narrative research practices
A biographical study is a form of narrative study in which the researcher writes and records the experiences of another person’s life. Autobiography is written and recorded by the individuals who are the subject of the study
Procedures for Conducting Narrative Research
Phenomenological Research
Whereas a narrative study reports the life of a single individual, a phenomenological study describes the meaning for several individuals of their lived experiences of a concept or a phenomenon. Phenomenologists focus on Five Qualitative Approaches to Inquiry describing what all participants have in common as they experience a phenomenon.
The basic purpose of phenomenology is to reduce individual experiences with a phenomenon to a description of the universal essence.
Types of Phenomenology
Procedures for Conducting Phenomenological Research
Building on the data from the first and second research questions, data analysts go through the data (e.g., interview transcriptions) and highlight “significant statements,” sentences, or quotes that provide an understanding of how the participants experienced the phenomenon. Moustakas (1994) calls this step as horizonalization.
Grounded Theory Research
Although a phenomenology emphasizes the meaning of an experience for a number of individuals, the intent of a grounded theory study is to move beyond description and to generate or discover a theory, an abstract analytical schema of a process.
Types of Grounded Theory Studies
Procedures for Conducting Grounded Theory Research
Ethnographic Research
Ethnography is a qualitative design in which the researcher describes and interprets the shared and learned patterns of values, behaviors, beliefs, and language of a culture-sharing group.
Types of Ethnographies
There are many forms of ethnography, such as a confessional ethnography, life history, autoethnography, feminist ethnography, ethnographic novels, and the visual ethnography found in photography and video, and electronic media.
The realist ethnography is a traditional approach used by cultural anthropologists.
In this ethnographic approach, the realist ethnographer narrates the study in a third-person dispassionate voice and reports on what is observed or heard from participants.
the ethnographer remains in the background as omniscent reporter of the facts.
Narrative Research :
Definition and Background
Narrative research has many forms, uses a variety of analytic practices, and is rooted in different social and humanities disciplines. “Narrative” might be the term assigned to any text or discourse, or, it might be text used within the context of a mode of inquiry in qualitative research, with a specific focus on the stories told by individuals .
The procedures for implementing this research consist of focusing on studying one or two individuals, gathering data through the collection of their stories, reporting individual experiences, and chronologically ordering (or using life course stages) the meaning of those experiences. Although narrative research originated from literature, history, anthropology, sociology, sociolinguistics, and education, different fields of study have adopted their own approaches.
Types of Narrative Studies
One approach to narrative research is to differentiate types of narrative research by the analytic strategies used by authors.
A second approach is to emphasize the variety of forms found in narrative research practices
A biographical study is a form of narrative study in which the researcher writes and records the experiences of another person’s life. Autobiography is written and recorded by the individuals who are the subject of the study
Procedures for Conducting Narrative Research
Phenomenological Research
Whereas a narrative study reports the life of a single individual, a phenomenological study describes the meaning for several individuals of their lived experiences of a concept or a phenomenon. Phenomenologists focus on Five Qualitative Approaches to Inquiry describing what all participants have in common as they experience a phenomenon.
The basic purpose of phenomenology is to reduce individual experiences with a phenomenon to a description of the universal essence.
Types of Phenomenology
Procedures for Conducting Phenomenological Research
Building on the data from the first and second research questions, data analysts go through the data (e.g., interview transcriptions) and highlight “significant statements,” sentences, or quotes that provide an understanding of how the participants experienced the phenomenon. Moustakas (1994) calls this step as horizonalization.
Grounded Theory Research
Although a phenomenology emphasizes the meaning of an experience for a number of individuals, the intent of a grounded theory study is to move beyond description and to generate or discover a theory, an abstract analytical schema of a process.
Types of Grounded Theory Studies
Procedures for Conducting Grounded Theory Research
Ethnographic Research
Ethnography is a qualitative design in which the researcher describes and interprets the shared and learned patterns of values, behaviors, beliefs, and language of a culture-sharing group.
Types of Ethnographies
There are many forms of ethnography, such as a confessional ethnography, life history, autoethnography, feminist ethnography, ethnographic novels, and the visual ethnography found in photography and video, and electronic media.
The realist ethnography is a traditional approach used by cultural anthropologists.
In this ethnographic approach, the realist ethnographer narrates the study in a third-person dispassionate voice and reports on what is observed or heard from participants.
Narrative Research :
Definition and Background
Narrative research has many forms, uses a variety of analytic practices, and is rooted in different social and humanities disciplines. “Narrative” might be the term assigned to any text or discourse, or, it might be text used within the context of a mode of inquiry in qualitative research, with a specific focus on the stories told by individuals .
The procedures for implementing this research consist of focusing on studying one or two individuals, gathering data through the collection of their stories, reporting individual experiences, and chronologically ordering (or using life course stages) the meaning of those experiences. Although narrative research originated from literature, history, anthropology, sociology, sociolinguistics, and education, different fields of study have adopted their own approaches.
Types of Narrative Studies
One approach to narrative research is to differentiate types of narrative research by the analytic strategies used by authors.
A second approach is to emphasize the variety of forms found in narrative research practices
A biographical study is a form of narrative study in which the researcher writes and records the experiences of another person’s life. Autobiography is written and recorded by the individuals who are the subject of the study
Procedures for Conducting Narrative Research
Phenomenological Research
Whereas a narrative study reports the life of a single individual, a phenomenological study describes the meaning for several individuals of their lived experiences of a concept or a phenomenon. Phenomenologists focus on Five Qualitative Approaches to Inquiry describing what all participants have in common as they experience a phenomenon.
The basic purpose of phenomenology is to reduce individual experiences with a phenomenon to a description of the universal essence.
Types of Phenomenology
Procedures for Conducting Phenomenological Research
Building on the data from the first and second research questions, data analysts go through the data (e.g., interview transcriptions) and highlight “significant statements,” sentences, or quotes that provide an understanding of how the participants experienced the phenomenon. Moustakas (1994) calls this step as horizonalization.
Grounded Theory Research
Although a phenomenology emphasizes the meaning of an experience for a number of individuals, the intent of a grounded theory study is to move beyond description and to generate or discover a theory, an abstract analytical schema of a process.
Types of Grounded Theory Studies
Procedures for Conducting Grounded Theory Research
Ethnographic Research
Ethnography is a qualitative design in which the researcher describes and interprets the shared and learned patterns of values, behaviors, beliefs, and language of a culture-sharing group.
Types of Ethnographies
There are many forms of ethnography, such as a confessional ethnography, life history, autoethnography, feminist ethnography, ethnographic novels, and the visual ethnography found in photography and video, and electronic media.
The realist ethnography is a traditional approach used by cultural anthropologists.
In this ethnographic approach, the realist ethnographer narrates the study in a third-person dispassionate voice and reports on what is observed or heard from participants.
Procedures for Conducting an Ethnography
there is no single way to conduct the research in an ethnography. Although current writings provide more guidance to this approach than ever (for example, see the excellent overview found in Wolcott, 1999), the approach taken here includes elements of both realist ethnography and critical approaches.the ways that used are
Case Study Research
case study research involves the study of an issue explored through one or more cases within a bounded system . Although Stake (2005) states that case study research is not a methodology but a choice of what is to be studied.
Types of Case Studies
Procedures for Conducting a Case Study
The Five Approaches Compared
All five approaches have in common the general process of research that begins with a research problem and proceeds to the questions, the data, the data analysis, and the research report. They also employ similar data collection processes, including, in varying degrees, interviews, observations, documents, and audiovisual materials. Also, a couple of potential similarities among the designs should be noted. Narrative research, ethnography, and case study research may seem similar when the unit of analysis is a single individual.