Sickle cell anemia is one of a group of specific
disorder that is also known as sickle cell disease.
Sickle cell disease is an inherited red blood cell disorder that
occur in humans and in which there are not enough healthy red blood
cells to carry oxygen throughout our body
The main lab values that the nurse has to monitor is
- Haemoglobin as the haemoglobin value in sickle cell disease is
at risk for reduction ,this is because the red blood cells are the
ones in which haemoglobin is present and when destruction of the
red blood cells increase then it will also lead to reduction
hemoglobin value . It will result in conplications if not managed
so nurse should look into it
- The hematocrit value is at risk for reduction so it should be
checked frequently and monitored by the nurse . This is because as
the red blood cells are more fragile and not having spindle shape
so more chance of destruction and will result in the low value of
RBC there by reducing the hematocrit value in blood . It shouldbe
checked as it can lead to complications.
- The bilirubin which is a byproduct of the RBC destruction
should be checked as RBC destruction will be increased in SCD . So
the nurs3 should monitor these values
- Increase in the WBC should be checked as risk for infection
is high in these individuals . So it should be monitored
by nurse.