In: Nursing
Given that treating early manifestations of disease is far less expensive than treating the chronic health conditions that result from long-term tobacco smoking and obesity, how can the value of preventive self-care be raised so that employees will set priorities for their own health and see healthy lifestyles as a moral obligation? The question is asking for your administrative creativity in organizational policy-making.
Life style related problems or diseases has become a healthcare priority nowadays. The role personal responsibility should play in healthcare provision has growing significance of individual lifestyle choices for health.
Over weight and smokers are the bad behaviours in the society. They fail yo meet some obligations to society. The use of public resources to combat lifestyle related disease sometime comes under criticism. There are many ways to helping those whose lifestyle contribute to their poor health behaviour, and the provision of smoking cessation aids.
Nowadays each individual act freely and are morally responsible for engaging in unhealthy behaviours. These unhealthy lifestyle choices contributes some chronic diseases. Such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, cancer,chronic respiratory diseases,also mental disorders.
Risk factors of tobacco users to get diseases is poor diet ,lack physical activities leads to chronic diseases. As same like obesity also leads to chronic diseases . The people who are fsiled to unhealthy behaviour or failed to meet social obligations are less deserving healthcare than those who meet their obligations..
There ate many ideas now in the society to teach the importance of maintain healthy lifestyle such as...Health education from medical professionals.some centers to help cessation of smoke,nicotine gums and patches,counselling regarding bad behaviour.
In some cases the burden of works that leads to bad behaviour. Such as smoking ,drinking alcohol influence to these situations the owners should have to take some preventive can be some relaxation in between the work,classes regarding healthy life styles and adverse effects of in healthy life styles.They have to take a step forward to give counselling too.
There is a great influence in growing peoples from their surroundings so taking a preventive measures or following healthy lifestyle behaviour is very important and to maintain moral obligations to society is very essential one for each individual.