In: Nursing
What are the components and purposes of a head and neck assessment and what are the normal physical findings in an infant/child vs in an adult.
This assessment is a part of the nursing head to toe assessment ,during the head and neck assessment we are assessing the following structures Head includes face ,hair,eyes,nose,mouth ears,temporal artery ,sinuses,temporomandibular joint,crainal nerves.There are plethora of resons for examining the neck .checking the lymph nodes and throid.
Components of head and neck assessments are
Head - inspect the oveall appearances of the face,
Is head an appropriate size for teh body or not, Is the face symmetrical,drooping of the eyes or lips,are the facial expressions symmetrical
Any lesions
Test crainial nerves -Facial nerve have the patient close their eyes tightly ,smile ,frown ,puff out cheek.
Palpate temporal artery bileterally
Test crainial nerve ,trigeminal nerve -The nerve is responsible for many functions .
Eyes -look for swelling, eyelids
Sclera -white or shiny,not yellow as in jaundice
Look for strabismus- do the eye line up with another
Aniscoria-Are the pupils equal in size or one pupil larger than other
Watch for nystagmus,reaction to light.
If all findings are normal we can document PERRLA
Drainage or abnormalities
palpate pinna and targus
palpate mastoid process for swelling or tenderness
Test cranial nerve 8 -Test the hearing by occluding one ear and whispering two words and have the patient repeat them back.Inspect tympanic membrane.
Inspect for symmetrry,drainage,for lesions inside the nose,test for olfactory nerve function.
colour of mucous membranes and gums ,teeth should be white free from cavities.
Tongue-for lesions and colour.