
In: Nursing

What is the role of the AMA council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs? What is the...

What is the role of the AMA council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs?

What is the primary focus of the American Nurses Association (ANA) code of ethics?

How do these differ from the AMA code of ethics?

What areas of medical ethics are they responsible for?

What enforcement capabilities do they have?

What role do they play in judicial functions related to breaches in medical ethics?

Chapter 9: Biomedical Informatics.


Expert Solution

The American Medical Association 's Council on the ethical and judicial affairs has two primary responsibilities that through its policy development function , it maintains and updates the AMA Code of Medical ethics . In its Judicial function , it promotes adherence to the code's professional ethical standards .

The code of ethics for nurses developed by the American Nurses Association (ANA) makes explicit the primary goals, values and obligation of the profession .It serves a succinct statement of the ethical obligation and duties of every individual who enters the nursing profession . It is the pro fession's nonegotiable ethical standard . .It is an expression of nursing's own understanding of its commitment to society .

As the American Nurses Association has guided and supported nursing practice through policy development and action establishment of the scope and standard of nursing practice and implementation of a nationally accepted code of ethics for nurses with interpretive statement As in contrast with the American Medical Association , the medical profession has long subscribed to a body of ethical statements developed primarily for the benefit of the patient .As a member of the profession , a physician must recoginize responsibility to the patient first and foremost as well as society ,To other health professionals and to self . It is not a law but a standard of conduct which define the essential of honorable behaviour for the physician .

As the practicing clinicians , educators , professional colleagues , buisnessmen and citizens , physicians should hold one another to high standard of conduct .


A physician shall be dedicated to providing competent medical care , with compassion and respect for human dignity and right .

A physician shall uphold the standard of professionalism , be honest in all professional interaction and strive too report physicians deficient in character or competence or engaging in fraud or deception and to appropriate entities

A physician shall respect the law and also recognize a responsibility to seek changes in those requirements which are contrary to the best interest of the patient

A physician shall respect therights of patient , colleagues and other health professionals and shall safeguard patient confidence and privacy within theconstraints of the law ,

A physician shall continue to study , apply and advances scientific knowledge , maintain a commitment to medical education , make relevant information available to patient , colleagues and the public , obtain consultation and use the talents of other health professionals when indicated

A physician shall , in the provision of appropriate patient care , except in emergencies , be free to choose whom to serve and with whom to associate and the environment in which to provide medical care .

A physician shall recoginize a responsibility to participate in activities contributing to the improvement of the community and the betterment of public health.

A physician shall , while caring for a patient , regard responsibility to the patient as paramount

A physician shall support access to medical care for all people.

In a rough analogy between the structure of AMA and that of thefederal government , the officers and the Board of Trustees constitute the Executive Branch , the house of delegates the legislative branch , and Council of Ethical Judicial Affairs(CEJA ) the Judicial branch . Oversight of teh code of Medical ethics resides with CEJA , which is charged with the interpretation of the principles of Medical Ethics and issuing and promulgating opinions on ethical matters .Its opinions are not subject to approval by popular vote of the Houes of Delegates . In addition , CEJA is charged with interpretation of teh AMA's constitution and by laws .it has original jurisdiction in the all question which puts up regarding membership . on a controverises under the constitution and by laws and under the principles of Medical Ethics in which AMA is a party and in controversies between 2 or more state medical association s or their members. It has appellate jursidiction in question of laws and procedure but not of fact incontroversies between a constitution association and one or more of its component societies and between a member or members of a component society and that society .

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