How is light understood and used in Byzantine art, and why is it significant? What connections can you make between the use of light in Byzantine art and the art that preceded it? Can you trace the roots of our understanding of light as a metaphor through the ages?
In: History
Initially, how did Americans want to be defined in the late 17th century? Was it socially, economically, culturally, religiously, governmental, or even all of them...? And was everyone happy with the new American system during that time?
In: History
Explain the ideas of W.E.B. DuBois and Booker T. Washington correlate to the concepts of overt and covert resistance.
In: History
How did Marie Antoinette start a foreign battle against the people of France?
In: History
How does a cascading tariff structure work? How does it promote import substitution and " shallow industrialization"? What are the consequences of "shallow industrialization"?
In: History
Analyze the forces driving the rapid industrialization of the US between 1815-1850. How did this rapid industrialization impact American society?
In: History
Compare and contrast the Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union of the States and the Constitution. Include: When was each document created? Why was a revision of the Articles considered necessary? How do both incorporate ideas of republicanism? What does each document say about slavery (even the word itself is not used)? What are the branches of government in each? Why? What do the branches do? Include a discussion of the Bill of Rights: In which document is it found? Why was it added? What does it say? Describe the First Party System: what were the parties, what were their beliefs, and what specific policies/laws did they follow that demonstrate those beliefs?
In: History
What has the NRA accomplished for its members?
What is the "welfare state"? When did it originate?
What were the roles of government and business from the Civil War to the Great Depression?
What are the traditional differences between Republicans and Democrats regarding government regulation?
What was the impact of the Great Depression on the roles of business and government?
In: History
Compare and contrast the second industrial revolution (late nineteenth century to the early twentieth century) to the first industrial revolution (late eighteenth century to the early nineteenth century).
In: History
Historically, democracies are more vulnerable than autocracies to terrorism committed by non-state movements and groups against perceived enemies ("dissident terrorism"). Totalitarian states, which are less vulnerable to dissident terrorism, are more prone to perpetrate state-sponsored and state terrorism. Why? Please substantiate your argument with at least two historical references from the 21st Century.
In: History
The U.S. Constitution provides a basic framework for governance, and it also reflects the fears of its authors. What were they afraid of?. Did the founders draft this document with the freedoms and privileges of ALL people in mind? Who did the document protect most? Who did the document ignore? Should the country follow the original intent of the founders in the current era?
In: History
How did the perception of the National Government change under FDR?
How did America compare to Germany in 1937?
In: History
In many parts of the United States, the American Revolution seemed to have placed slavery on the road to extinction. Explain why the promise of abolition was fulfilled in some states and not in others. What factors contributed most to determine whether slavery would be abolished? Why did some states move toward emancipation, and then retreat back to a defense of slavery?
In: History
In the period of Republican Rome, it has been suggested that Rome was a "Republic of Farmers". What was the role of farmers in the rise of Rome and how did the decline of peasant farmers affect Rome?
In: History
Consider King's "I Have a Dream" speech and his "Letter from Birmingham Jail". Compare and contrast the two documents, written just a few months apart in 1963. In what ways do their similarities suggest the core principles of King's civil rights philosophy? What differences exist between the two documents, and how might this suggest ways in which King's message in "I Have a Dream" was tailored for the setting and goals of the March on Washington?
In: History