In: History
In many parts of the United States, the American Revolution seemed to have placed slavery on the road to extinction. Explain why the promise of abolition was fulfilled in some states and not in others. What factors contributed most to determine whether slavery would be abolished? Why did some states move toward emancipation, and then retreat back to a defense of slavery?
The efforts to end slavery in some countries like the United States were championed and successfully achieved. In 1862, Lincoln authorized a preliminary emancipation proclamation that ordered all the slaves to get freed forever (Berlin & Ira., 2015). President Lincoln's order resulted in more than 3 million enslaved persons attaining their freedom; however, the emancipation proclamation denied the confederacy tremendous labor forces, which alleviated public concern. The abolition of slavery in the US was successful due to effective government policy and ethical regard accorded to human rights despite racial differences.
However, some other countries like Florida never relented on the slave trade quickly due to huge profits derived from the direct sale of slaves captured chiefly in Africa and the services they offered in house chores and farm labor. The rate of industrialization, mechanization in plantations, and change in government policies over human rights determined the termination of the slave trade (Drescher & Seymour., 2002). Some states adopted the emancipation guidelines and later relented after they encountered severe challenges with abolishing slavery, yet they had not established advanced structures to ensure continuity.
The efforts to end slavery in some countries like the United States were championed and successfully achieved. I