cultural legacy of the Mongol empire?

What is the cultural legacy of the mongol empire? What are some of the great achievements of the Mongol Empire that mark its cultural legacy?


In: History

Who served the longest term as the president of Kenya?

Who served the longest term as the president of Kenya?

In: History

Who are the founders of the Building Bridges Initiative?

Who are the founders of the Building Bridges Initiative?

In: History

Who is the current president of the Republic of Kenya?

Who is the current president of the Republic of Kenya?

In: History

What is the "Problem of Evil (or Suffering)"? Compare how the Mesopotamians, Egyptians, Hindus, and Buddhists answered this question in the framework of their worldviews

1) What is the "Problem of Evil (or Suffering)"? Compare how the Mesopotamians, Egyptians, Hindus, and Buddhists answered this question in the framework of their worldviews. i.e., EXPLAIN THEIR RELIGIONS.  Why did they differ in their answers? Support your views with evidence from the readings and discussions.

In: History

Identify the separation of powers between the three branches of government. Then, discuss how each branch checks and balances the other branches.

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word essay that addresses the following:

Identify the separation of powers between the three branches of government. Then, discuss how each branch checks and balances the other branches.

Select and discuss a current event or issue from the past 5 years (possible areas include: health care reform, presidential appointments, and national security, for example). Then, discuss 1) how the separation of powers affects this issue and 2) how the checks and balances affects this issue.

In: History