identify at least three ways that the criminal justice system
makes it difficult for people who...
identify at least three ways that the criminal justice system
makes it difficult for people who have been imprisoned to continue
their lives after they have completed their prison sentences.
Expert Solution
When prisoners in the United States are released, they face an
environment that is challenging and actively deters them from
becoming productive members of society.
Because of systemic legal and societal barriers, once
ex-offenders are released, it is more difficult for them compared
to the general populace to find gainful employment, secure a
consistent source of housing, and generally function in
Many prisoners have limited education and work experience,
which makes it difficult for them to secure employment after they
are released. As a result of incarceration and involvement in the
criminal justice system, many former prisoners are viewed
negatively by former employers or by individuals within their
former professional networks, if they previously had one.
The combination of a limited professional network and a
conspicuous résumé gap can make it very difficult for ex-convicts
to get an interview with a prospective employer.
Once ex-offenders return home, they are dependent on family
members and must overcome years of limited contact, potential
resentment, and a change in the household dynamic. Family members
often assume a new financial and emotional burden when ex-offenders
return home, having to support a dependent adult.
When ex-offenders are released from prison, they tend to find
that their expectations for returning to normal life are not always
realistic. This is especially true for prisoners who serve lengthy
incarcerations because they are likely to face advances in
technologies that are essential in new job markets and lack
training that makes them viable candidates.
Ex-offenders face massive obstacles when searching for
employment anywhere, so to return with this disadvantage to an area
that likely has low job prospects increases the likelihood of
Prison life is extremely structured, and prisoners with long
sentences become accustomed to it, resulting in feelings of shock
and deep distress by its absence in the outside world. While they
may return to their home communities or families, their social
networks may no longer exist or have changed. This means released
inmates must rebuild or create new social networks.
Identify and describe at least three ways the criminal justice
system operates which allows for overrepresentation of African
Americans and Latinos in the prisons
Criminal Justice 101:
Compare and contrast the juvenile justice system and the adult
criminal case process. List and explain two similarities and four
differences between them.
People with mental illness often find themselves involved in the
criminal justice system. In what way do you think that the criminal
justice system can best improve their responses to those with
mental illnesses? Explain your answer.
Initial Question:
The structure of the criminal justice system is designed to have
three separate branches: the legislative branch, the executive
branch and the judicial branch. Police officers, which fall under
the executive branch of the criminal justice system, have the
authority to use discretion when interacting with the citizens
within the communities in which they serve. Do you think that
police abuse their power of discretion or fail to use it? Please
explain your answer.
1. Locate three mission statements in the criminal
justice system and describe how it fit into the organizational
structure. Which one do you prefer? Why? How are the three
2. Find a mission statement from another organization
(not criminal justice or military). How are they alike and
different from the law enforcement mission statements? For your
personal comments and thoughts do you remember mission statement or
those vows, motto and pledges you took during your
The criminal justice system has three components. Name and
define each of the components. Which one is in need of the most
comprehensive overall at this time in our history and why?
Do you think the juvenile justice system should become more like
the adult criminal justice system, or should it go back to its
original idea of individualized treatment? If so, for which types
of offenses? If not, why not?