
In: Psychology

How is religion a form of social control?

How is religion a form of social control?


Expert Solution



It is a set of rules, regulations, good things, bad things, myths all struggling for truth, peace, love and It is a journey towards god.






5.Buddha etc.,


By definition religion is a set of rules and controls. Religion gives a set of charecteristics for good persons and bad persons. It also explains that behaviour of a person accordinig to his age. Religion also discuss about before birth and after death.It gave many social control. Some of those are









Each and every culture forms based on their religions. Culture is a combination of rules and regulations. It gives overview from our dressing style to life style. It restricts females morethan males, It assigns works for people like female should see house and male should earn money for house etc., In this way religion working as social control.


Many religions teaches that sex is a sin. It allows sex for only marriaged couple. According to religion if any body did sex without marriage they are punishable at some other world. It explains that sex is only for reproduction not for pleasure.


Festivals are formed according to religion. All festivals have relation with religious god's events


Christians celebrates christmas because that is Jesus Christ's birthday.

These fesitvals will play key role in our holidays and became social controls.


   Religion will play key role in marriage. It tells that astrology should match for couples to marry. It gives rules that how,when,where marriage should conduct.It also decides the process of marriage. In that aspect religion became social control.


  Religion don't allow some thoughts like thinking against culture, god, elders etc., Our all social actions based on our thoughts. But religion controlling our thoughts also. In this manner religion became a social control.


  Religion gives us some beliefs. Those are god,devil,good,bad,hell.heaven etc.,existed. All beliefs telling about god and truth. These all beliefs makes path towards god. In this aspect religion became social aspect.



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