In: Psychology
ethics paper. Content: Introduction; Body , and Conclusion You must state clearly the purpose of this ethics paper.
For example, the purpose is to identify one ethical principle. reviewing the literature on a specific ethics dilemma.
Major ethical issues connected with literature are informed consent, anonymity, confidentiality, and remuneration given to fellows. In order to conduct research effectively,you need to gain permission from those who are part of the research process, and ensure the privacy and safety of the participants, etc. The major points in preparing a literature review consist of; search of relevant literature, identifying themes and sources, molding a frame of the work and finally drafting the review of the subject chosen. A review of literature must give a complete and authentic summary of a particular subject. Ethics searches for various actions of individuals; like approving or not approving, believing or not believing, etc.
The major ethical issues in research consist of designing and planning the work, with ethical support, along with the interpretation of data and authorship, etc. Ethical values like honesty, responsibility, etc make us competent to deal with ethical dilemmas. They assist us to eliminate the negative factors in our behavior. Sticking to basic principles of ethics provides us with a platform to deal effectively with day to day life; whether in personal matters or in other levels like official, social, etc. It helps us to overcome peer pressure, work pressure, etc by providing us to choose right from wrong, good from bad, etc.
Often we have to make choices at day to day life, which makes an influence on our lives and others' life. We are the sole responsible persons for the choices we make in our life. Ethics can prepare us to make the right choice from the vast selection in front of or eyes. The concept of blind spots explains the lack of ethics in certain peoples. The blind spots explain the reason for bad deeds by some people even though they are aware of the good . It is caused by pressure from others , situations, or due to internal pressure.
Suppose you came to know that your best friend is flirting and dating another woman, thereby cheating his legal wife. In this situation, you are aware of right and wrong about the incident. You ought to inform your friend's wife. But your intimacy with your friend prevents you from doing so. It will cause trouble for your friend. In this situation, you are pressurized to conceal the truth, even though you want to convey the fact to the wife of your friend. It is an ethical dilemma. You are well aware about right and wrong in this situation, and you want to do the right thing. But the bondage of friendship compels you to do the wrong thing. It is a situation that gives rise to blind spots. Here you are compelled to do the bad thing even if you want to do the good.
The qualities which are connected with the character of a person include his intellectual abilities, thoughts degree of judgment, control of soft feelings like love, affection, etc. Ethics can be described as the sum of these inherent qualities in a person. One needs to be ethical because it creates an impression of oneself in society. We must consider other's feelings and interests along with our own interests because it helps to perform our role in a civilised society.