
In: Computer Science

Code needed in Java The purpose of the application is to generate some reports about the...

Code needed in Java
The purpose of the application is to generate some reports about the people of the university. So a user of the application should be able to view information about the people in the university and generate summaries. As in implementation these are separated into two major categories, employee and students, we will be implementing these classes.  

The system should have three classes: Person, Employee and Student.Employees and students are subclasses of persons and therefore, they inherit some fields and methods from the superclass Person. What Employee class has as an extra is a field called job which is a String value that indicates the position of the employee at the university. The possible values are ‘Faculty’ and ‘Staff’ and the rest of the input should be rejected. Another significant field is UIN (you may assume it to be an integer).Students also have a similar structure. A field called level, gives information regarding the student. Possible values are ‘Undergraduate’ and ‘Graduate’ and the rest of the input should be rejected. Also A number should be implemented (you may assume A number to be a string).  
Once you create these classes write your test class with main method.  

The output of such an application would look like:  

Person’s first name is Triss, last name is Merigold. She is 25 years old.
Person’s first name is Sigismund, last name is Dijkstra. He is 37 years old. His UIN is 793942 and serves the university as a staff.
Person’s first name is Keira, last name is Metz. She is 19 years old. Her A-number is A021318 and she is an undergraduate student


Expert Solution

class Person
    String firstName;
    String lastName;
    int age;
    String gender;

    Person(String firstName, String lastName, int age, String gender)
        gender = gender.toLowerCase();
        if(gender != "male" && gender != "female")
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("gender should be either male or female.");
        this.firstName = firstName;
        this.lastName = lastName;
        this.age = age;
        this.gender = gender;

    public String toString()
        String out = "Person's first name is " + this.firstName + ", last name is " + this.lastName + ".";
        if(this.gender == "male")
            out += " He ";
            out += " She ";
        out += "is " + this.age + " years old.";
        return out;

class Employee extends Person
    int UIN;
    String job;

    Employee(String firstName, String lastName, int age, String gender, int UIN , String job)
        super(firstName, lastName, age, gender);
        if(job.toLowerCase() != "faculty" && job.toLowerCase() != "staff")
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("job should be either faculty or staff.");
        this.UIN = UIN;
        this.job = job;

    public String toString()
        String out = super.toString();
        if(this.gender == "male")
            out += " His ";
            out += " Her ";
        out += "UIN is " + this.UIN + " and serves the university as a " + this.job + ".";
        return out;

class Student extends Person
    String A_number;
    String level;

    Student(String firstName, String lastName, int age, String gender, String A_number, String level)
        super(firstName, lastName, age, gender);
        if(level.toLowerCase() != "graduate" && level.toLowerCase() != "undergraduate")
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("level should be either graduate or undergraduate.");
        this.A_number = A_number;
        this.level = level;

    public String toString()
        String out =  super.toString();
        if(this.gender == "male")
            out += " His ";
            out += " Her ";
        out += "A-number is " + this.A_number + " and";
        if(this.gender == "male")
            out += " he ";
            out += " she ";
        out += "is an " + this.level + " student.";
        return out;

public class Test
    public static void main(String args[])
            Person p = new Person("Triss", "Merigold", 25, "female");
            Employee e = new Employee("Sigismund", "Dijkstra", 37, "male", 793942, "staff");
            Student s = new Student("Keira", "Metz", 19, "female", "A021318", "undergraduate");
        catch(Exception e)


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