
In: Computer Science

Write a Java application that accepts a bar code as a command line parameter and prints...

Write a Java application that accepts a bar code as a command line parameter and prints out the ZIP code. Assume that the bar code uses the symbols "|" and ":" for the long and short bars, respectively. Provide warnings on errors in the bar code specifying what exactly is wrong. The bar code input should be in the format specified in Problem 1, including the pair of the full bars at the beginning and at the end. Important: The command line parameters of your Java program might contain special characters. This particularly concerns the second problem that expects a string including the "|" character. This character has a special meaning for the shell command interpretor (namely piping, we will consider this later). In order to turn off interpretation of this character by the shell, include your parameters into ' ' (single quotes). That is, type the bar code as '|:::|:||:|'. Do not confuse these quotes with the back quotes ` `. They have a different meaning for the shell command interpreter.


Expert Solution

public class ZIPCodeTester {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
       ZIPCode adrianoZIP = new ZIPCode();

import java.util.Scanner;

public class ZIPCode {
   public String zipString;
   public int zipInt;
   public String zipBarcodeString;
   public int zipCodeInt;
   Scanner in = new Scanner(;
   boolean validated;
   int inputInt;
   public ZIPCode() {
       System.out.println("Enter whether you're entering the bar code(1) or numerical ZIP Code(2):");
       inputInt = in.nextInt();
       if (inputInt == 1) {
       } if (inputInt == 2) {
   private void convertToZIPCode() {
       Scanner in = new Scanner(;
       System.out.println("Please Enter the barcode (\".\" for short bar and \"|\" for long bar):");
       zipBarcodeString = in.nextLine();
       String bar1;
       String bar2;
       String bar3;
       String bar4;
       String bar5;
       String checkBar;
       char dot = '.';
       char dash = '|';
       String tempBarcode = "";
       String zip1;
       String zip2;
       String zip3;
       String zip4;
       String zip5;
       String zipCheck;
       for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
           if (zipBarcodeString.charAt(i) == dot) {
               tempBarcode = tempBarcode + "0";
           if (zipBarcodeString.charAt(i) == dash) {
               tempBarcode = tempBarcode + "1";
       zipBarcodeString = tempBarcode;
       bar1 = zipBarcodeString.substring(1,6);
       bar2 = zipBarcodeString.substring(6,11);
       bar3 = zipBarcodeString.substring(11,16);
       bar4 = zipBarcodeString.substring(16,21);
       bar5 = zipBarcodeString.substring(21,26);
       checkBar = zipBarcodeString.substring(26,31);
       zip1 = String.valueOf((Integer.parseInt(bar1.substring(0,1)) * 7) + (Integer.parseInt(bar1.substring(1,2)) * 4) + (Integer.parseInt(bar1.substring(2,3)) * 2) + (Integer.parseInt(bar1.substring(3,4)) * 1));
       zip2 = String.valueOf((Integer.parseInt(bar2.substring(0,1)) * 7) + (Integer.parseInt(bar2.substring(1,2)) * 4) + (Integer.parseInt(bar2.substring(2,3)) * 2) + (Integer.parseInt(bar2.substring(3,4)) * 1));
       zip3 = String.valueOf((Integer.parseInt(bar3.substring(0,1)) * 7) + (Integer.parseInt(bar3.substring(1,2)) * 4) + (Integer.parseInt(bar3.substring(2,3)) * 2) + (Integer.parseInt(bar3.substring(3,4)) * 1));
       zip4 = String.valueOf((Integer.parseInt(bar4.substring(0,1)) * 7) + (Integer.parseInt(bar4.substring(1,2)) * 4) + (Integer.parseInt(bar4.substring(2,3)) * 2) + (Integer.parseInt(bar4.substring(3,4)) * 1));
       zip5 = String.valueOf((Integer.parseInt(bar5.substring(0,1)) * 7) + (Integer.parseInt(bar5.substring(1,2)) * 4) + (Integer.parseInt(bar5.substring(2,3)) * 2) + (Integer.parseInt(bar5.substring(3,4)) * 1));
       zipCheck = String.valueOf((Integer.parseInt(checkBar.substring(0,1)) * 7) + (Integer.parseInt(checkBar.substring(1,2)) * 4) + (Integer.parseInt(checkBar.substring(2,3)) * 2) + (Integer.parseInt(checkBar.substring(3,4)) * 1));
       validated = (10-(Integer.parseInt(zip1) + Integer.parseInt(zip2) + Integer.parseInt(zip3) + Integer.parseInt(zip4) + Integer.parseInt(zip5))%10) == Integer.parseInt(zipCheck);
       zipString = zip1+zip2+zip3+zip4+zip5;
   private void convertToBarcode() {
       Scanner in = new Scanner(;
       System.out.println("Please Enter the 5-digit ZIP Code:");
       String input = in.nextLine();
       zipString = input;
       String tempBarCode1 = null;
       String tempBarCode2 = null;
       String tempBarCode3 = null;
       String tempBarCode4 = null;
       String tempBarCode5 = null;
       String checkBarCode = null;
       int digit1 = Integer.parseInt(zipString.substring(0,1));
       int digit2 = Integer.parseInt(zipString.substring(1,2));
       int digit3 = Integer.parseInt(zipString.substring(2,3));
       int digit4 = Integer.parseInt(zipString.substring(3,4));
       int digit5 = Integer.parseInt(zipString.substring(4,5));
       int preCheckBar = (digit1+digit2+digit3+digit4+digit5)%10;
       int checkBar = (10-preCheckBar);
       if (digit1 == 0) tempBarCode1 = "||...";
       if (digit1 == 1) tempBarCode1 = "...||";
       if (digit1 == 2) tempBarCode1 = "..|.|";
       if (digit1 == 3) tempBarCode1 = "..|||";
       if (digit1 == 4) tempBarCode1 = ".|...";
       if (digit1 == 5) tempBarCode1 = ".|.||";
       if (digit1 == 6) tempBarCode1 = ".||..";
       if (digit1 == 7) tempBarCode1 = "|....";
       if (digit1 == 8) tempBarCode1 = "|..||";
       if (digit1 == 9) tempBarCode1 = "|.|..";
       if (digit2 == 0) tempBarCode2 = "||...";
       if (digit2 == 1) tempBarCode2 = "...||";
       if (digit2 == 2) tempBarCode2 = "..|.|";
       if (digit2 == 3) tempBarCode2 = "..|||";
       if (digit2 == 4) tempBarCode2 = ".|...";
       if (digit2 == 5) tempBarCode2 = ".|.||";
       if (digit2 == 6) tempBarCode2 = ".||..";
       if (digit2 == 7) tempBarCode2 = "|....";
       if (digit2 == 8) tempBarCode2 = "|..||";
       if (digit2 == 9) tempBarCode2 = "|.|..";
       if (digit3 == 0) tempBarCode3 = "||...";
       if (digit3 == 1) tempBarCode3 = "...||";
       if (digit3 == 2) tempBarCode3 = "..|.|";
       if (digit3 == 3) tempBarCode3 = "..|||";
       if (digit3 == 4) tempBarCode3 = ".|...";
       if (digit3 == 5) tempBarCode3 = ".|.||";
       if (digit3 == 6) tempBarCode3 = ".||..";
       if (digit3 == 7) tempBarCode3 = "|....";
       if (digit3 == 8) tempBarCode3 = "|..||";
       if (digit3 == 9) tempBarCode3 = "|.|..";
       if (digit4 == 0) tempBarCode4 = "||...";
       if (digit4 == 1) tempBarCode4 = "...||";
       if (digit4 == 2) tempBarCode4 = "..|.|";
       if (digit4 == 3) tempBarCode4 = "..|||";
       if (digit4 == 4) tempBarCode4 = ".|...";
       if (digit4 == 5) tempBarCode4 = ".|.||";
       if (digit4 == 6) tempBarCode4 = ".||..";
       if (digit4 == 7) tempBarCode4 = "|....";
       if (digit4 == 8) tempBarCode4 = "|..||";
       if (digit4 == 9) tempBarCode4 = "|.|..";
       if (digit5 == 0) tempBarCode5 = "||...";
       if (digit5 == 1) tempBarCode5 = "...||";
       if (digit5 == 2) tempBarCode5 = "..|.|";
       if (digit5 == 3) tempBarCode5 = "..|||";
       if (digit5 == 4) tempBarCode5 = ".|...";
       if (digit5 == 5) tempBarCode5 = ".|.||";
       if (digit5 == 6) tempBarCode5 = ".||..";
       if (digit5 == 7) tempBarCode5 = "|....";
       if (digit5 == 8) tempBarCode5 = "|..||";
       if (digit5 == 9) tempBarCode5 = "|.|..";
       if (checkBar == 0) checkBarCode = "||...";
       if (checkBar == 1) checkBarCode = "...||";
       if (checkBar == 2) checkBarCode = "..|.|";
       if (checkBar == 3) checkBarCode = "..|||";
       if (checkBar == 4) checkBarCode = ".|...";
       if (checkBar == 5) checkBarCode = ".|.||";
       if (checkBar == 6) checkBarCode = ".||..";
       if (checkBar == 7) checkBarCode = "|....";
       if (checkBar == 8) checkBarCode = "|..||";
       if (checkBar == 9) checkBarCode = "|.|..";
       zipBarcodeString = "|"+tempBarCode1 + tempBarCode2 + tempBarCode3 + tempBarCode4 + tempBarCode5 + checkBarCode + "|";
   public String getOutput() {
       String outputFinal = null;
       if (inputInt == 2) {
           outputFinal = "Your barcode is:\n" + zipBarcodeString;
       if (inputInt == 1) {
           String valid;
           if (validated) {
               valid = "This ZIP Code is validated.";
           } else {
               valid = "This ZIP Code is totally wrong!";
           outputFinal = "Your ZIP Code is:\n" + zipString + "\n" + valid;
       return outputFinal;

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