
In: Computer Science

Java Script Ask the user for a Fahrenheit temperature Write the code needed to convert a...

Java Script

Ask the user for a Fahrenheit temperature
Write the code needed to convert a Fahrenheit temperature into a Celsius temperature. Use an alert box to show the result
Ask the user for a Celsius temperature
Write a function to convert from Celsius to Fahrenheit; use an alert box to show the results
Decide on two other conversions (meters to feet, pounds to kilos, other)
Ask the user for numbers to be converted; be sure to tell them what you are converting from and to
Write two more functions that will do the conversions; use an alert box to show the results
Write all results to the document, correctly formatted in complete sentences.


Expert Solution

Below is the solution:

<!DOCTYPE html>

<html lang="en">



  <meta charset="UTF-8">


    #container {

      margin: 0 auto;

      width: 400px;

      padding: 100px;

      margin-top: 200px;





<div id="container">


  Enter value in Fahreheight: <input id="fahrenheit" type="text"><br><br>

  Enter value in Celcius: <input id="celcius" type="text"><br><br>

  Enter value in Meter: <input id="meter" type="text"><br><br>

  Enter value in Pound: <input id="feet" type="text"><br><br>

  <input value="add" type="button" onClick="addLabelTextBox()">




  //declare variable

  var fahrenheit = document.getElementById('fahrenheit').value; //take value by id

  var celcius = document.getElementById('celcius').value; //take value by id

  var meter = document.getElementById('meter').value; //take value by id

  var feet = document.getElementById('feet').value; //take value by id

  function addLabelTextBox() { //call function

    convertToCelcius = (fahrenheit - 32) * 0.5555; //convert to celcius

    convertToFahreheight = (celcius * 1.8) + 32; //convert to fahrenheight

    convertToFeet = (meter * 3.28084); //convert to feet

    convertToMeter = (feet * 0.3048); //convert to meter

    //display the all values

    alert("Temptarue of Fahrenheight is " + fahrenheit + " into celcius is : " + convertToCelcius + " \n Temptarue of Celcius is " + celcius + " into Fahrenheight is : " + convertToFahreheight + "\n Meter of " + meter + " in Feet is: " + convertToFeet + "\n Feet of " + feet + " in Metet is: " + convertToMeter);




sample output:

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