In: Psychology
How is the job enrichment/job redesign approach to motivation different from the modified work schedules (flextime, compressed workweek) approach to motivation? Are there similarities between the two approaches? Explain your answer.
Ans. Job redesign or job enrichment approach to motivation:
1. It provides the opportunity to workers to attain their social and economic goals.
2. Job enrichment depends upon the Herzberg's two-factor theory of motivation that says there are certain factors in a job that causes satisfaction and some cause dissatisfaction.
3. To increase the satisfaction, the job of a person is designed in such a way that it requires higher level of knowledge and provides autonomy.
Modified work schedules:
1. It refers to the number of hours and days, an employee works.
2. Compressed workweek, flexitime are some of its components that helps reducing administrative burden.
3. Work schedules like increasing the hours per day and minimising a day per week gives employees relaxation.
Similarities between the approaches:
1. Both the approaches aims at behaviour modification of the employess towards the organization and vice-versa.
2. They encourage their abilities to its fullest.
3. They require training, interest and clarity from employees towards their task.
4. The feedback received by these two approaches led organisation to widen decision making.
5. The employees think flexibly.
Both the approaches differ in their composition and implementation but the idea of motivation remains same.