
In: Psychology

Describe major approaches to motivation and how human needs influence motivation approach

Describe major approaches to motivation and how human needs influence motivation approach


Expert Solution

Motivation is term of reinforcement that helps to encouraged to do work and become enthusiastic internally or externally to take action. Motivation mainly two types intrinsic motivation which means people can work only because they are passionate for work . They never think about outcome .rather focus on process. Similarly , people while , have extrensic motivation are more tend focus only reward , they are not performance oriented. Maslow gives concept of self actualization motivation theory which significantly focus only one human needs . People strive towards Excellency and fullfilled their basic human needs like deficiency needs ( biological , security and belongingness) and growths needs ( esteem needs and self - actualization)

Besides another motivation theory like MacClland achievement motivation theory greatly emphasis on Excellency or motivation of highest achievement in their respective field . Vroom expectancy theories which another motivation approch influennce by human needs . people will only be motivated when they expect after doing this they will be sucessed and rewarded for their sucess . It means they are expected to fullfilled their needs.

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