
In: Computer Science

Using C++ programming. Thank you. Money class has the following member variables and functions. -member variable...

Using C++ programming. Thank you.

Money class has the following member variables and functions.
-member variable : dollar, cent
-member function : setMoney(int dollar, int cent), printMoney(), operator overloading(+)

Program the Money class so that the following function can be performed.

int main(){
Money a, b, c;
A.setMoney(10, 60);
B.setMoney(20, 70;
c = a + b;


Expert Solution

code in c++

(code to copy)

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

class Money
        int doller;
        int cent;
        //member function to set money
        void setMoney(int doller, int cent)
                // initialize member variables
                this->doller = doller;
                this->cent = cent;
        //member function to print money
        void printMoney()
                cout << doller << " doller(s) " << cent << " cent(s)" << endl;
        //operator overloading
        Money operator+(Money const &obj)
                //create result object
                Money result;
                int total_dollers = doller + obj.doller;
                int total_cents = cent + obj.cent;
                //adjust overflow in cents
                total_dollers += total_cents / 100;
                total_cents %= 100;
                //set values in result
                result.setMoney(total_dollers, total_cents);
                return result;

int main()
        Money a, b, c;
        a.setMoney(10, 60);
        b.setMoney(20, 70);
        (a + b).printMoney();
        c = a + b;

code screenshot

code output screenshot

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