In: Psychology
Develop a set of screening questions and criteria that you, as the group leader, will use to choose the members of the group. Begin with demographics questions (name, age, address, presenting issue, etc.) There should be a minimum of 10 screening questions, not including the demographics questions
Screening questions and criteria that a group leader will use to choose the members of the group-
Institution Name-
Screening questions-
1.What are the qualities you hold for becoming a leader?(to know the capability of the candidate)
2.Do you have a prior knowledge of mentoring groups?(to know the prior expereince)
3.How will you manage the group conflicts if you have been allotted with the group?(to know the techniques)
4.What are the essentials of being a group leader?(To know the awareness of candidate)
5.What are the expectations you will hold from the group?(To know the expectations of candidate)
6.How much time you can devote in leadership?(checking the priority of candidate towards work)
7.How do you handle your everyday problems,by being calm or frustuated?(To know the temperament of candidate)
8.For how long you can work with us?(To know the consistency of candidate)
9.Do you like travelling or sleep as an option you can switch over?(To know whether the candidate is extrovert or introvert)
10.Why do you think a leader must be cooperative?(To know the perspective of candidate)