
In: Psychology

Respond to one of the following questions. 1. You are an exercise leader, and you want...

Respond to one of the following questions.

1. You are an exercise leader, and you want to build more unity in your class or group because you believe this will increase people's desire to attend class and participate. What kinds of things would you do (and why) to help build a sense of group or team unity?

2. You are a coach of a team sport, and you see that not everyone is hustling on every play. What would you say to your players to indicate that they are loafing and that the team needs them to sop loafing? What could you do to minimize or prevent loafing?


Expert Solution

1)A wise leader needs to be motivating and hard working for building a strong unity between the group members. Unity should be the first priority for increasing group performance. So as leader I will use some techniques to build a strong unity between my group members.

Strong Communication

As a group leader I will try to communicate with each and every members of the group. Not only that I will encourage my group’s member to communicate with each other. A strong and meaningful communication can build a strong Unity between the group members.

Equal Participation

A class will be successful when every individual will participate equaly. I will try to arrange some specific events and will encourage every students to participate on those events. This kind of equal participation can create a strong bonding between the group members and makes them feel that they are very much important in the group. This kind of feeling is very essential for group's Unity.

Strong Belief

I will try to establish a strong belief in my all group members that we all are like a family so our bond should be like a family bond. I will appreciate all the group members to share the success and also the failure with the group. This kind of beliefs helps to build a strong bond between the group members and also can increase group’s Unity.

Comfortable Atmosphere

As an exercise leader I will try to focus on the atmosphere of my group. A healthy and friendly atmosphere can makes the group members comfortable and can increase the group’s Unity. So I will create a healthy and friendly atmosphere where every individual will get the opportunity to share their own viewpoints.


Reinforcement is something that can increase the group’s motivation level and can build a strong unity between all the group members. So I will appreciate my group members by giving some prizes or rewards for their well performance. This kind of reinforcement is very important for building the group’s Unity.


A wise leader plays the role of coordinator. I will try to act as a coordinator in my group .I always will try to resolve the interpersonal issues between my group members. A group’s Unity completely depending on interpersonal relationship between the group members so I will encourage my members for building a strong interpersonal relationship with each others.

Acted as Scapegoat

Sometimes a leader needs to take responsibility of the group’s failure. I will take the responsibility of my member’s mistake. I will never blame them for any kind of mistake. This kind of behavior can highly increase my group’s unity.

Motivating group Members

I will always appreciate my group members for their hard work. As a leader I will motivate them to work as a team. As we all know team’s success can increase the motivation of the group members and also can build a strong Unity between all the group members.

Conclusion- These all are strategies to increase the group Unity. As a leader I need to follow these strategies so that my group members can feel a strong bond for the group. Because a group’s bonding is very much essential for achieving the main goal of the group.Not only that i belive that a strong Unity between the group members can increase the attedence rate of the class. So for being a Exercise leader i will try to do these things for my group's unity.

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