In: Nursing
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PHC 271
Case Study (2)
A 52-year-old gentleman comes to your office with a history of intermittent difficulty swallowing solid food. His symptoms have been present for the past 5 years. He points to his supraclavicular notch when describing where the food feels stuck, although he can chew his food and transfer it into his posterior pharynx without difficulty. He does not choke or cough while eating. Drinking water will usually relieve his symptoms, although on several occasions he has self-induced vomiting. His symptoms are slightly worse now than they were several years ago, which prompted today's visit. Feeling any better and had ongoing fever and cough
According to the above case answer the following questions : ( in 1000 words)
5. Discuss the public health approaches in reducing and in the prevention of this health problem?
dysphagia: it is difficulty swallowing foods that take more time to
swallow even solid foods from mouth to
stomach. dysphagia usually caused by nerve or muscle problems that
cause difficulty swallowing. some conditions like acid reflux
symptoms, heartburn, epiglottitis, esophagitis, goiter, cancer
esophagus cause this disease.
This disease can be classified into four categories as per the
location of the impartment that is oropharyngeal, esophageal and
obstructive, esophagogastric, and para esophageal.
The oropharyngeal stage that obstruction begins from tongue and
striated muscles of mastication when involuntary swallowing reflex
difficulty occurs from anterior oral cavity to oropharynx. in the
esophageal stage from the pharynx to esophagus involuntary
contraction of the upper esophagus force the food through the mid
and distal esophagus. it takes 8 to 20 seconds to bolus the food
into the stomach.
Esophagogastric stage obstruction forms from the esophagus to the
stomach. parapharngeal stage obstruction starts from just above the
esophagus to the stomach. clinical manifestation of this disease
include feeling something obstructed in the throat, regurgitation,
heartburn, cough, pain while swallowing,
difficulty swallowing solid foods, drooling, hoarse voice, weight
loss, etc. patient having difficulty swallowing solid foods for the
last 5 years, especially having an obstruction in the
supraclavicular notch, however the dysphagia mostly due to the
esophageal disorder. now from the initial stage patients getting
symptoms worse that make them into getting more worsening
The most common cause for this patient disorder due to neurologic
conditions or muscular disorders that cause skeletal muscle
disorder and acid reflux disease, ulcer in the esophagus,
stricture, and carcinoma causes the swallowing difficulty.
when there are lesions in the cerebral cortex cause swallowing
disorder that decrease muscle motion when mastication and bolus
risk factors for this disorder include stroke, Parkinsons disease,
Huntington disease, multiple sclerosis, gastroesophageal reflux
disease, etc.
Lifestyle modification for this patient to have small meals with a
time interval, having liquid and soft foods. avoiding sticky foods
and getting dietician opinions for nutritional choices.
Advice the patient to involve in the swallowing technique that
helps dysphagia if it is caused by neurological problems. Advise
the patient to avoid alcohol, tobacco, and caffeine, etc. avoid
eating just before bedtime
advises the patient to chew the food thoroughly before